I have an uncle who sends me little gems like the one your mother sent. I try to ignore them but occasionally just one too many 'if you love Jesus and aren't ashamed, send this to 10 people, but if you don't love our savior .....then another crappy choice is left. I wish I saved my response to his fear Obama and the atheists wanted to take "in God we trust" off our sacred money, so I should add my name to a petition to rectify this sacrilege. Loosely my response went something like this: Well money is a revered religious symbol solely used for the greater glory of The Lord. Jesus drove the money changers out of the temple for exactly that reason, the money changers had neglected to sanctify the money by making sure God was featured prominently. God blesses those who carry tributes to his goodness by carrying around hundreds of greenbacks in their pockets /wallets. People who carry only a few dollars obviously don't love The Lord, and God knows everything.
My true feeling is I don't care if "In God We Trust" is on the money. I would hate to see resources wasted trying to reverse the custom and have no stomach for another fight where Americans create unnecessary divisions between our fellow citizens over such a meaningless thing. I don't think Jesus cares about what is printed on greenbacks, but that's another conversation.
I don't think your response to you mom had anything to do with 'mother issues', I think it has more to do with someone ignoring your point of view and insisting on flooding you with "thoughtful essays" she knows you won't agree with but hopes one of the essays will turn your life around.
My Uncle and I belong to the same religion, but he has a more conservative understanding of church teachings than I do. I think he's terrific as long as we are not discussing politics or the political position he thinks our church should take. We all have our breaking points, and if you like to write it can be extremely satisfying to write rebuttals in the same fashion as the original. You don't even have to send it, sometimes hanging on to it creates a cushion of private pleasure. Anyhow, I get it, I do it but i don't always send it.