Olivier5 wrote:Quite a few things actually: love your enemy;
This concept is not Jesus-centric, it existed long before jesus and comes from greek social interactions and political foreign policy. Jesus didn't invent the concept, it has existed long before him.
Olivier5 wrote:
the separation of religion from politics;
If this is true then hundreds of thousands of christians need a refresher course. They are quick to quote how god hates homosexuals but they seem fixated on the fact that christianity should be in politics. Can you site a bible quote from Jesus about this specific separation? I would love to use it if there really is one.
Olivier5 wrote:
the idea that learnt classes can act as gatekeepers to knowledge rather than educators of the people;
This idea is also not derived from Jesus, and has existed long before him when many types of thought and ways of developing knowledge were really being experimented with. Some people in power thought it was better to with-hold information because it was too dangerous to let others become aware of it.
Even today politicians want society dumb so that they can have political power over the masses. A smart society will find fault in their political choices and this can get in the way of them doing what they want.
Olivier5 wrote:
the idea the the Torah is made for man and not vice versa, and therefore doesn't need to be obeyed in a mechanistic, absolute way;
This concept too has persisted long before Jesus. All things should ALWAYS be taken to the point where you are allowed to re-analyze and attempt to find fault in it or to not "set it in stone" because you very well could be wrong.
If you adhere too strongly to something then when it is found to be wrong, you'll just blindly reject the new information and refuse to grow. We see this time and time again. It is a good lesson to keep in mind, every rule should have flexibility because not all situations are identical.
Olivier5 wrote:
the systematic inversion of traditional social order (the rich are bad, only the poor can be good)...
Now this one is pure bullshit. The rich are not necessarily evil and the poor are not necessarily good. Your financial level does not dictate weather you'll be a good or bad person. There are just as many horrible poor people as there are rich, if not more because there generally are more poor than rich. Money is not evil, but what you do with the money is what makes you a good or bad person.
I don't buy the bullshit that a rich man finds it harder to win the kingdom of heaven than a poor person. It is just an attempt to make sure that you strive for being poor so that you'll give all your money to those in power so that you can buy your ticket to heaven.
There are thousands of preachers, ministers, pastors who make hundreds of thousands of dollars and live a much higher life style purely for feeding the christian bullshit to their audiences who are suckered into giving their money to the "church" and to "god". Some of them will even try to use this bible quote even though they know that they are receiving millions of dollars annually for doing nothing but filling people's heads with nonsense and fear.