Hi, c.i. -- Who doesn't count the iris among his/ her favorite flowers ? Since it'll be set in the compact dimensions of a backyard garden, this bed will stand out quite prominently. The blooms are ice blue colored.
A leap of faith,really, since I don't know how tightly together tall bearded irises will grow.
Another feature I'm pondering over is what to choose as a dark backdrop so as to showcase them.
I have some rooted yew cuttings which could be kept about waist high. Or maybe a row of tall growing Siberian rises, which are plentiful back there.
Stay tuned; I'll update the post with edits to show significant changes.
added: I'm going to use a
Japanese iris to frame this bed . It grows to about 3 feet high and is fairly prolific so as to form a tight foliar frame for the tall bearded ones in the bed.
added: I had about fifty percent success rate with the transplants. Hopefully, in about three years I'll have a massed display of this iris: