Sun 28 Apr, 2013 03:12 am
I found it while I was at school. It looks like a caterpillar. It was black and it had some sort of long pelage. It was about 2-3mm and it had pliers on its back. And, yes, it was creating a gossamer thread, like cobwebs.
I asked my biology teacher, but she couldn't tell me what is this. She only told me that she thinks it's a caterpillar. I also tried to found it at google images, but nothing.
Does somebody have an idea what could it be?
Pliers on its back? What kind of pliers? Needle nose pliers? Line pliers? Is it an electrician?
Umm... I have a trouble with translating. Can't find how to say that, but it looks like pliers and I guess it's using that for defense. And not on its back, that was mistake, but at the end of its body. Maybe now it's understandable.
tomahto hornworms have a huge set of false pincers on their backs. Dont know all their color phases. PS from what part of the world are you calling?
I wrote earlier, I made a mistake at my explanations, I'm not very good with english. It didn't have pincers on its back, but at the end of its body. And just one pincer.
I am from Serbia, Southeast Europe.
And my bug-friend looked like this a bit: But it didn't have that much ''hair'', it was smaller and had that pincers.
I have seen such type of insects frequently.....
I live in India and these type of insects are normally found towards the end of summer season and end of winter season.....between these also,they are found......They are red and black in color and those spines are found all over their body as they help them in keeping them safe....Whenever u just touch your shoe or something to it, it suddenly broadnens it spines and doesn't moves........