What does justice mean to you?

Fil Albuquerque
Reply Thu 18 Apr, 2013 05:57 pm
It sounds like layer talk to me...and cheap !
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Fil Albuquerque
Reply Thu 18 Apr, 2013 06:56 pm
I get the argument that we all are predators but I also get the argument that we all need to cooperate and reduce the inefficient administration we do of our world and society...the point being made is about a different approach and interpretation on why people act the way they act...people aren't bad because people cheat and take advantage of situations when situations worth taking advantage arise, that's natural behaviour...recently I've seen a study on which given the open opportunity to cheat most people cheated a little bit but were not going for full sack, they constrain themselves as long they believe they are not doing true harm...which in turn means people act poorly due to extreme complexity and because most are truly unable to see the reach and consequence of their actions...later on they have a crystallized pattern a formed modus operandi, they got to a point on which it is very hard to change their behaviour and resent society at large...it is my belief all human beings are intrinsically moral if given the chance...the perversion of that instinct only arises when competition and a given amount of unfairness starts to peril not their success, but their direct survival ability, which per se is proof enough of a great deal of tolerance...the remaining are clinical cases of mental illness, on which wrong diagnostics or cheer indifference end up with catastrophic results...yet another marker of our poor management and lack of perception !
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Reply Thu 18 Apr, 2013 07:04 pm
@Fil Albuquerque,
there is no guilt because there is no free will the approach much change
Fil - if there is no free will (according to the common understanding), then self responsibility doesn't exist. If self responsibility doesn't exist, then someone else is responsible when you commit a crime. Crime is a concept, as is justice - and we are capable of understanding concepts and making decisions based on concepts. It takes awareness to do this - whether or not the decisions based on that awareness is driven by set biology.

In the absence of free will, crime does not exist. That is even written into most laws around the world. No amount of philosophising will ever change that most people believe in free will. In the fight against this (which can never be won) - what you have left is a utopian idea.

Overall, the belief in it (the non existance of free will) is counterproductive (whether or not it is correct) - for you don't believe in free will, you are no longer in control of your life, and what you do & what happens to you is up to the fates.

Guilt will never, ever be gotten rid of - it is a part of how we function as humans...we believe in a concept, and when we break it we feel (any of) guilt/remorse/anger/sorrow/sad etc. You said guilt could be argued as utopian - but it is simple biology - hence I'm wondering if you redefined the word.

wtf Utopia has anything to do with a wrong approach
If you believe in something as a solution, without testing it's actual workings, or working out how it would work - and you cling to that as the perfect solution - that is utopian thinking

Shortened : believing in an ideal that doesn't survive testing is believing in utopia.

Oxford Dictionary
modelled on or aiming for a state in which everything is perfect; idealistic:

an imagined place or state of things in which everything is perfect. The word was first used in the book Utopia (1516) by Sir Thomas More. The opposite of dystopia.
based on Greek ou 'not' + topos 'place'

it is a MULTIFACTORIAL process integrating several aspects that go from some non invasive surgical intervention when justified to :
- psychology – we already have those
- education – we already have that
- moral introspection – we already have that -churches / greenies / civil libertarians / interest groups,
- group therapy : we already have those

- and so forth, sided with an inclusive stable economic project : That sounds like a whole debate just by itself (what does ‘inclusive’ mean, and what skills are necessary, and what sort of project, and how is it going to be economically feasible etc) . It sounds rather communistic too – which (if it is) has been proven to not work

- ...having genuine acceptance (of what?) and believing the honest intention of society in this conversion (sounds utopian again), is paramount to its success...
So we have you suggesting a multifaceted approach - most of which already exists (just presumably not in the form you would have it) followed by ideological ideas of how they can all tie together to form a better world.

Human history is littered with one overriding driving force - power. In 'balance' to that, it has an overarching structure - society. Where power meets society, there needs to be some mechanism to stop society falling apart - those are the justice systems (at an intranational level) and the defense systems (at an international level). The justice system won't accept a lack of free will, and the defense system won't accept the imposition of other countries 'defense' systems on them (if at all possible to avoid such imposition)...no matter the psychology, education, group sessions, etc (because of the previously mentioned power drive).

These are necessities of society, and the drives of biology. I don't see your ideology/philosophies/ideas ever overcoming such. And making it even more difficult still - the vast majority of people aren't interested in philosophy.

Fil Albuquerque
Reply Thu 18 Apr, 2013 07:19 pm
I can certainly see the argument were the concept of guilt is useful...I can even seen an argument were the constrain of punishment might be deemed educative...that in turn wont change the fact the if we aren't free we aren't in fact responsible, and thus that the perception got to change...as also that doesn't mean that we can't be controlled or influenced in a given direction...the role of society as any self supporting efficient system is to ensure all parts are working properly and fit its place...our problem is not about crime or Justice being a tool, a conceptual convenience...our problem is lack of control in micro management of the whole shebang...I am truly convinced a substantial raise in average IQ might get us critical mass for a revolution as important as the one we had in neolithic with substantial impact in this field...

PS - Don't you worry the system will only change when a real need of improvement becomes critical...I would gladly concede now is not the time, but given the rhythm of change maybe it won't take long...

...one more thing, I don't, at all, oppose power struggle I totally favour Darwinian competition...so the argument doesn't stick...the point being made is the level on which competition will take place, a barbaric inefficient one, or a struggle of the minds that does not disturb the overall pace of progress...partially civilization has been build on that premise !
Fil Albuquerque
Reply Thu 18 Apr, 2013 07:45 pm
@Fil Albuquerque,
When you say most of those measures I suggested already exist (I saw that one coming exactly as it did) you forget to mention most of them are a freaking comedy in the form of role-playing...not only they don't have a solid scientific basis, but their implementation is tragic...there is a long way to go for human sciences and their institutional usefulness yet to be build !
Reply Thu 18 Apr, 2013 10:53 pm
@Fil Albuquerque,
Hi Fil,

I can certainly see the argument were the concept of guilt is useful Guilt isn't a concept - it's an emotional reaction to the breaking of a concept that has meaning to you

...I can even seen an argument were the constrain of punishment might be deemed educative...that in turn wont change the fact the if we aren't free we aren't in fact responsible, and thus that the perception got to change Do you mean the 'perception of guilt' (it's not clear). If so, see my previous comment regarding personal feelings of guilt.

If you though mean, others 'blaming you for something' - I see contributing circumstances and personal responsibility.

...as also that doesn't mean that we can't be controlled or influenced in a given direction...the role of society as any self supporting efficient system is to ensure all parts are working properly and fit its place...our problem is not about crime or Justice being a tool, a conceptual convenience...our problem is lack of control in micro management of the whole shebang... Ummm...doesn't you wanting more control imply even more micro management?

I am truly convinced a substantial raise in average IQ might get us critical mass for a revolution as important as the one we had in neolithic with substantial impact in this field... you do notice that as people get more educated they tend to get more cynical about spirituality? (and lets face it, philosophy is a branch of spirituality - for it requires the observance of the 'self')...and the more information thrown at children, the longer they take to grow up?

There is also the issue of actually motivating people to want to learn. Sure plenty will be - but guess where most of the crime comes from - those who aren't motivated to learn.

PS - Don't you worry the system will only change when a real need of improvement becomes critical...I would gladly concede now is not the time, but given the rhythm of change maybe it won't take long...

Well - I think the system needs a huge overhall right now. But for numerous reasons, I doubt that will happen.

...one more thing, I don't, at all, oppose power struggle I totally favour Darwinian competition...so the argument doesn't stick ...the point being made is the level on which competition will take place, a barbaric inefficient one, or a struggle of the minds that does not disturb the overall pace of progress...partially civilization has been build on that premise ! You do understand that wasn't the topic I was talking about when I mentioned the power drive & drive towards society? I was talking about the Justice System (and it's view of free will) - and a sideline comparative regarding defense systems.

It could be said that just because you favour a concept - does not mean you've made the connection or understood the interworkings between it and another concept.

When you say most of those measures I suggested already exist (I saw that one coming exactly as it did) you forget to mention most of them are a freaking comedy in the form of role-playing...not only they don't have a solid scientific basis, but their implementation is tragic...there is a long way to go for human sciences and their institutional usefulness yet to be build ! I'm glad you saw it coming - I'd be worried if you didn't. So how much money is thrown at those systems? How much more is needed to even try and get near what you want? Are the 'teachers/counsellors/etc in those systems not trying? Why then did they study to take part in those systems?

And on the other side :

How do you make someone want to get help? How do you motivate a child who's parents don't give two bits about learning, to learn? How do you break the cycle of poverty (closely related to the previous sentence). How do you change a person from a victim mentallity to an empowered person? How do you change someone who doesn't want to be changed?

Fil Albuquerque
Reply Thu 18 Apr, 2013 11:43 pm
1- Concepts on which you believe can have real effects onto your psyche, so again I disagree...guilts its a reaction because its a functional natural emergent concept in the first place...you track down your steps, see what you've done wrong and retrospectively attempt a mind scenario for a correction...its called learning and the idea of "guilt" a conceptual essential tool for doing it properly. It drives your focus attention and memory to the right place.

2- Again there's no middle ground here, if responsibility can't be supported on free will, our perception on guilt must change...whether you understand why, is not my problem, it is self explanatory !

3 - Blame is a convenience, a shortcut, for an otherwise long complex answer...the purpose of blame as a tool is to prompt an immediate adequate reaction to adverse circumstances, I speculate there's probably an evolutionary advantage to it...(I bet this also is Greek to you but on forward)

4 - Yes, but I don't want more micro management just vainly, I want more micro management because the world is now a million times more complex then 20 years ago...

5 - I don't know what "spirituality" means in your lexicon, but it seams like you have a poor view of it...

6 - Again yes education has taken longer and longer, and somewhat as become far more confusing for the common Joe...so what ? that only signals the need for a far more complex approach to life...Cynicism is not a bad trait.

7 - Motivation to learn, or to do anything else, is about inclusiveness and shared experiences...

8 - The Justice system should represent the culture and the current view of people...I talked about the power struggle in the way I deemed fit..if it wasn't your intention to suggest I might had an utopian view regarding the distribution of power and the will to power then there is no big point in debating our potential differences, as that, to my view, should be the point that might be wrongly interpreted from my words...

9 - An efficient system is enough of a good concept for me...a clever Justice system as any and everything to do with it ! Linear short-sighted moral ? no thank you !

10 - Throwing money at Institutions without having a substantial advancement and reformulation, in human sciences, sociology, psychology, education, the understanding of the human brain, and ultimately a significant progress on our organizational power is certainly a lazy way of going about the problem...didn't I told you before my view is not about the present ? If I were to speak triviality's on our present condition I rather shut up...but there, you got me talking on them...

11 - Your last observation is odd...weren't we generally talking about crime ? We would enforce measures through Legislation what else ?
(Before the Judicial system you have the educational system, social security, NGO's and so forth)
Reply Fri 19 Apr, 2013 05:46 am
@Fil Albuquerque,
1- Concepts on which you believe can have real effects onto your psyche
An emotional affect? (or the chemicals that pass for emotion?) We agree, so how can you disagree?

you track down your steps, see what you've done wrong and retrospectively attempt a mind scenario for a correction
That's what you define guilt as? I would have thought it was a bad feeling associated with the belief that you'd done something 'wrong' - a wish that you could have done something differently...which then triggers what you said.

2- if responsibility can't be supported on free will
Your english doesn't make sense here - so the rest of your statement lacks context. Did you mean 'if responsibility can't be supported by free will'? If so, who made that claim? (mine is that belief in free will is necessary for self responsibility to exist)

6 - Again yes education has taken longer and longer, and somewhat as become far more confusing for the common Joe...so what ? that only signals the need for a far more complex approach to life.
So you can confuse them more?

7 - Motivation to learn, or to do anything else, is about inclusiveness and shared experiences...
Wow...all those psychologists who studied human motivation should never have bothered - it was all so simple. The Behavioural scientists who studied socio-economics vs upbringing&education (ie the cycle of poverty) should never have bothered...even if no-one has ever come up with a good solution to it - apparently you have the answer...

If I were to speak triviality's on our present condition I rather shut up...but there, you got me talking on them...
Looking to the future is fine - it's the nature of human nature where you are falling down...most of your ideas simply won't gain common traction (in which case, as you said, they will fail), others will have unintended negative consequences.

11 - Your last observation is odd...weren't we generally talking about crime ? We would enforce measures through Legislation what else ?
(Before the Judicial system you have the educational system, social security, NGO's and so forth)
We were, but you keep straying on how to prevent crime.

The last comment was aimed at your comments regarding : improving IQ, education, pyschology, counselling (in the way you think it should happen - which isn't clear, but some again, utopian concept that you can't explain)...all of it, in terms of reducing crime - requires people be interest in learning, take self responsibility, stop playing the victim in their own mind, admit they have problems, and desire to change & eliminate the issues. Most criminals wouldn't give the time of day to any of the red. How are you going to change their minds?

Whether or not your ideas are right, they won't work.
Fil Albuquerque
Reply Fri 19 Apr, 2013 11:12 am
Again Vik, the feeling of guilt derives from the illusion of responsibility, as a medium, an empathic process that focus your learning and that keeps you in tune with your group...things like guilt and blame very much work like pain does, they prompt you to immediate action, in the case, in social related problems...as many other things, guilt is an evolutionary tool which proved successful in social species..so when I say it works upon a concept, a convenient vision of the world, its because you cannot feel guilty without having a perception in the first place...guilt arise when there is a balancing conflict between empathic moral awareness and personnel urges and needs that require attending to which you have or are about to give way...whether you could truly have done otherwise, need I remind you its a retrospective judgement, is far from being settled, in fact currently, there is a great load of investigation suggesting just the opposite...so your trivial boring discourse on accountability, taking responsibility and suck it up, is totally depending on whether free will makes sense...naturally it doesn't require a genius to understand that Institutions like the State, the Justice system, as our vision of ethical and moral adequate responses will have to progressively adapt their methodology to the development done on this regard, and this independently on whether you like it , believe it, or deem it more or less practical...

Wow...all those psychologists who studied human motivation should never have bothered - it was all so simple. The Behavioural scientists who studied socio-economics vs upbringing&education (ie the cycle of poverty) should never have bothered...even if no-one has ever come up with a good solution to it - apparently you have the answer...

Yes you bet your azz I'm strongly of the opinion most Human Sciences like Sociology Psychology and the likes, when they get it right, not often, have a talent for triviality...usually they go around 20 years in study and debates to came up with the same explanation your granny could have provided you in layman terms...apparently you didn't catch up with her...motivation for whatever activity you do, can INDEED in two or three words, be reduced to acceptance, integration, shared experiences and emotions, regarding your family, friends, or social group of reference...there is nothing extraordinary really worth saying beyond that !

Again Vik I don't want to confuse anyone with more education, I've been talking about the future and a substantial advancement in the average IQ as a fundamental condition for our perception on this (guilt, Justice) and similar subjects to settle down...so why are your muddling the waters, or did you just lost track of what I was talking about ?

if responsibility can't be supported on free will

My English in here makes total sense excuse me...thinking that it doesn't is what is not making sense right now...

The nature of human nature is exactly what I think you don't have a clue about...it sounds like you think the need for revenge justify s an unproductive stigmatizing Judicial system...on your conservative account we would probably still be throwing sticks and rocks at each other in the African Savannah...and why ? ...well, because it was natural common trend you say...in turn, if your just suggesting, that at the present moment, people are not prepared to integrate a more complex perception of these matters, your are not saying much, as I've explain you more then once I'm addressing the future and not the current moment...so why the insistence ?

Reply Sat 20 Apr, 2013 12:43 pm
Justice for me is math, algebra to be precise. The equasion of deeds must be balanced on both sides. Justice is the action required to find balance

This can entail paying ones due, righting ones wrong, compensating ones loss and more.

Then there is the Justice League, that is a different story altogether
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reasoning logic
Reply Sat 20 Apr, 2013 01:18 pm
@Fil Albuquerque,
Again Vik, the feeling of guilt derives from the illusion of responsibility, as a medium, an empathic process that focus your learning and that keeps you in tune with your group...things like guilt and blame very much work like pain does, they prompt you to immediate action, in the case, in social related problems...as many other things, guilt is an evolutionary tool which proved successful in social species..so when I say it works upon a concept, a convenient vision of the world, its because you cannot feel guilty without having a perception in the first place...guilt arise when there is a balancing conflict between empathic moral awareness and personnel urges and needs that require attending to which you have or are about to give way...whether you could truly have done otherwise, need I remind you its a retrospective judgement, is far from being settled, in fact currently, there is a great load of investigation suggesting just the opposite...so your trivial boring discourse on accountability, taking responsibility and suck it up, is totally depending on whether free will makes sense...naturally it doesn't require a genius to understand that Institutions like the State, the Justice system, as our vision of ethical and moral adequate responses will have to progressively adapt their methodology to the development done on this regard, and this independently on whether you like it , believe it, or deem it more or less practical...

I seem to agree with what you say, maybe guilt derives from the illusion of responsibility. I wonder if guilt could be a concept that most brains are able to logically construct because it is seen as a helpful tool so to speak.

I supplied a definition of justice in my original post that talked about disability. If we were to find justice for a blind person who killed someone because he was not able to see, how should the justice be dealt to to him compared to a psychopath? Should one be forgiven because of a lack of sight and the other be given the death penalty because a lack of empathy and a conscience?

Justice is a concept of moral rightness based on ethics, rationality, law, natural law, religion, equity or fairness, as well as the administration of the law, taking into account the inalienable and inborn rights of all human beings and citizens, the right of all people and individuals to equal protection before the law of their civil rights, without discrimination on the basis of race, gender, sexual orientation, gender identity, national origin, color, ethnicity, religion, disability
, age, or other characteristics

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Fil Albuquerque
Reply Sun 21 Apr, 2013 03:44 am
A must see video on the relation of Neuroscience and Justice I just cross with:
(10'th video on the list)
Neuroscience and Justice Edge Master Class 2011
Link: http://www.edge.org/videos/topic/mind
Fil Albuquerque
Reply Sun 21 Apr, 2013 04:04 am
@Fil Albuquerque,
In order to properly establish the right measure of what is just the distinction this video begs to be made is not on accountability versus determinism but rather on deterrence and control versus responsability...and if I had to guess, inexorably that's the way we will eventually follow on the long run as the general cultural gets permeated by these new perceptions on why we act the way we do...we will transition from a justice system based on responsability to a justice system based on deterrence and control...
reasoning logic
Reply Sun 21 Apr, 2013 08:48 am
@Fil Albuquerque,
The video was informative even though it had poor quality audio and video.

I think you may be correct. I have seen other videos that are similar.
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reasoning logic
Reply Mon 22 Apr, 2013 01:32 pm
@Fil Albuquerque,
Fil I value your opinion and was curious what your opinion was about this.

0 Replies
Reply Mon 22 Apr, 2013 01:36 pm
@reasoning logic,
Like the title reads "What does justice mean to you?"

For starters, it means that the shit4brains people trying to railroad George Zimmerman for defending himself should be punished in some fashion.
reasoning logic
Reply Mon 22 Apr, 2013 01:40 pm

For starters, it means that the shit4brains people trying to railroad George Zimmerman for defending himself should be punished in some fashion.

I can see logic in that but I would be interested in how you would compare his case to the case of Bradly Manning.
0 Replies
Reply Tue 23 Apr, 2013 03:11 pm
I don't think much about the philosophical meaning of justice, but I react strongly to what I almost reflexively and effortlessly consider to be injustice. I suspect that's the case with most of us.
reasoning logic
Reply Tue 23 Apr, 2013 03:43 pm
I don't think much about the philosophical meaning of justice, but I react strongly to what I almost reflexively and effortlessly consider to be injustice. I suspect that's the case with most of us.

I think you are correct in your post above.

I celebrate the fact that eventually I and all my fellow human beings will find absolute peace...the peace preceding our birth. The spirit of civil conversation consists in building on another's observation, not overturning it.

I think I know what you mean but in reality I think that we may need to confront other peoples observations and help them to overturn them or we need to at least help them to see things in a different light.

Example would be how the Boston bombers observed things.
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