visavis wrote:wow.. just.. oh my goodness wow.. have you a knack for MISSING THE COMPLETE F***ING POINT lol and not paying attention.. that post was more of research i have read about.. 'some feel this is how aids and cancer have come about' much more than own opinion jeez your dense. that was the first burst that came out as i read your horrific reply.
Talk about a horrific attitude!
You implied that medical science should not attempt to stop miscarriages because they are the body's way of getting rid of deformed babies, and deformed babies are the cause of cancer and AIDS:
visavis wrote:Humans - and do not confuse this with a hitleristic view this is objective. but humans save babies which were otherwise going to be miscarried. Researchers for years have observed that human females bodies have many checks in place to miscarry a fetus if there is a harmful diformity yet with modern medical advances we can save these children and they will survive and reproduce themselves further causing deformity. many feel this is how cancer and AIDS has come about.
Anyone who read your post would come to the conclusion that you think that deformed babies should be allowed to die, if not killed outright.
If what you said was not what you meant, you need to learn to express yourself more clearly - and without resorting to vulgarity!
As I said before, AIDS and cancer have nothing to do with physical deformities. If you know of any research that links them, please post your source.
I am often amazed at the ridiculous things people believe. I wish our schools would spend more time developing critical thinking skills in students so that they could distinguish science from pseudoscience and not be taken in any crackpot theory they hear.
Quote:second.... after i stopped the laughter.. this shows YOUR ignorance (about the whole thing of the female being able to miscarry based on the fetus being 'defective') there is ALOT of research showing that the female body has MANY natural defenses set up to allow only the strongest to reproduce.
I do know a lot about female anatomy, since I have given birth twice and you obviously have a lot to learn.

As I said, physical deformities in the fetus do not cause miscarriages. Failure to produce the right chemicals does. So do you think that all of the babies born with defects should be killed "for the good of the species," or what?
Quote:one being psychological.. women (as do men) seek out the 'best suited' and others psyiologically, in apes and lions its prominant from this one reasearchers studies ... females will over all succumb to a male's advance but their bodies will not allow fertalization.
If the female is fertile, any male she allows to mate with her can impregnate her. Fertilization does not depend on genetic "suitability."
I'm guessing that you cannot remember any of the other alleged defenses against deformity. How convenient that you cannot remember your sources, since I suspect that you haphazardly conflated some odd bits of information that happened to stick in your mind.
Quote:and ill mention.. charlottes web. Great childrens book about interference in natural selection.
[sigh] If reading
Charlotte's Web is your idea of research, no wonder you have such skewed notions. I figured you were young, but ...
Quote: to reply to your last three questions.. well all ill do is reinterate.. I am talking about non interference.. as in NON INTERFERENCE were as right now we ARE INTERFERING..
Counting is not one of your strong points. Neither is reading comprehension.
Quote:humanities needs are self decisive in that whatever helps to perpetuate the species and helps the survival of the species and the earth is a basel 'need'
No, the needs are NOT "self decisive." There are conflicting needs among individuals, groups, and nations, and that is why some form of government is required to make rules and resolve conflicts. Anarchy simply does not work. You may not like capitalism, but it is the best system we have come up with.