In a speech in Copenhagen the foreign secretary argued more had to be done to show that the Islamic world and Europe were not doomed to conflict.
Europe and the US must stress their values were universal and not "Western" or "Judaeo-Christian".
He said: "There is a real risk that we let the terrorists spread divisions."
Quote:Straw calls for EU-Islam unity
UK foreign minister Jack Straw has appealed for an end to an 'us and them' approach to Europe's relations with the Muslim world.
In doing so, he has taken a swipe at those across the continent, including in Italy and at the EU's headquarters in Brussels, that Europe should be defined by its Christian past.
Speaking in Copenhagen on Tuesday, Straw cited a centuries-long close relationship between Europe and Islamic civilisation, which "goes some way to combating the notion that Islam and Europe are seperate entitites which are doomed to conflict".
"Europe's strength," he added, "lies not in a Judeao-Christian club but in a diversity of traditions."
His comments come as EU leaders pack their bags for a spring summit in Brussels at the end of the week. Anti-terror measures are expected to dominate the agenda, but also plans to breathe new life into the EU's stalled progress towards a Constitution.
The vexed issue of defining Europe's cultural heritage in religious terms has marred negotiations to date.
For Straw the "acid test" of the EU's inclusiveness, and recognition of a broad identity not tied to Christian traditions, lies in embracing Turkey's bid for EU membership.
"We have recognised Turkey as a candidate for membership. Now we must be clear that Turkey will be treated as any other EU candidate, without fear or favour," he said.
"So I hope that, provided Turkey meets the Copenhagen criteria, the European Council this December can deliver a clear commitment to Turkey on opening negotiations for EU membership."