If you're going to ask that question, can't you at least define what is meant by that? A being who created the universe? Our galaxy? Our solar system? Our Planet? Just Cheese Whiz?
I can dig you believe in a 'higher' being. A dude, dudette, or thing that is a creator like us, but 'better'. That leaves a lot of room though. Does better mean enough to create just us? The planet and us, the solar system and us etc..?
I can even dig that this being might be able to interface with us. You'll have to make that argument that shows that it can.
But what I cannot abide is that this being took a judeo-christian form. That reeks too much of man-made stuff and not even very interesting stuff until maybe the Christians stole Plato's ideas. Then it gets a bit interesting, but Plato, props to the guy for his prolific writings and attempts at cosmology, made a ton of semantic errors and did not define his terms well and the Christians followed suit.
As an interesting aside on the origins of religion, I believe that it is an inevitable 'side-effect' (if you will) of language, not in our genes. The ability to create concepts. Like throwing your voice, we can 'throw' personalities. Project whatever we want onto whatever we want. Kids at a certain age excel at this. Freud called us polymorphously perverse as we can project our love onto anything. We talk to ourselves, we can talk to others that don't exist. In this view, its a by-product ultimately of our ability to reflect (our peculiar consciousness). Don't know if its true, but it seems viable to me..
Sagan thought that our ancestors looked at the sky and thought the stars were campfires with other beings around them. Then if they were in a fight with another tribe, they would aver that these other beings were on there side and they were, they were...yeah! Much more powerful than all of us and loved our tribe and would mess you up if you screw with us..My God is bigger than your God, culminating in the Hebrew God who was the biggest of them all (biggest..what? I'll be respectful)