@Finn dAbuzz,
Finn dAbuzz wrote:
In any case we obviously look at life in a somewhat different way and there''a nothing wrong with that. I just have a problem with anyone who presumes to know something that is unknowable (at least at this time), and then use that presumption to criticize or impugn people who think otherwise. Believer or Non-believer.
Good words. I see that happening a lot. The ones that seem to stick in my craw the most are the science denialists, as they're potentially dangerous to society. I have also made it clear elsewhere that I don't claim to know that there is no god, and I've debated several people who claim such knowledge.
For me, it boils down to this: I claim sovereignty over what goes on between my ears, and acknowledge others' right to think and believe what they do. The caveat is that when those ideas escape the cranium and start initiating behaviors that hurt others, resistance is appropriate. I don't have a problem with others' benign beliefs, just so long as they remain benign.