Craven de Kere wrote:
Asking people to prove a negative (that he was not involved in any operational functions) is a bit absurd.
So your position is that it is perfectly reasonable to simply assert that Yassin was a figurehead? Presumably those who believe he was simply a figurehead reached that conclusion in some informed way and not through personal caprice. Asking them to provide some basis for this assertion (For example, the published analysis of an expert on Middle East terrorist groups) is hardly absurd.
"Yassin is both political and spiritual leader of Hamas. He commands the
respect and recognition of organizations and government officials throughout the Middle East, and abroad. Hamas' political influence includes the construction of schools and hospitals. Hamas is most noted, however, for its military wing, the Izzedin Al-Qassim Brigade, which is responsible for
scores of attacks against Israelis."
"Yassin has been the guiding force and inspiration for the movement. He has never swerved from his demand for an Islamic state in all of Israel, Gaza and the West Bank, although in recent years he has said Hamas would be willing to settle temporarily for an independent Palestinian state in the formerly occupied territories and leave to the next generation of Palestinians the task of, as he put it, "liberating" the rest of the country.
Despite his physical frailty, Yassin was a charismatic and fiery preacher who attracted a sizeable following to his dark, cramped home in Gaza City. He could vary his language from impassioned rhetoric laced with Koranic sayings to simple, straightforward declarations. His modest house, where he and his wife had raised 11 children, stood in marked contrast to the affluent lifestyles of many PLO leaders."
"Yassin attempted to downplay the Hamas-PA rivalry, claiming that his organization had "no plans for a complete security takeover of the Gaza Strip."
"Speaking at a "welcome home" rally in Gaza City on October 22, Yassin said: "We have made a covenant with Allah to be holy fighters unto death. Our people must choose the path of holy war because if we do not fight, our people will die. This world only understands the language of force."
"Since its creation in 1987, Hamas has been run largely as a collective of senior activists in Gaza and the Arab world, with Yassin in a key role as ideologue, spiritual leader and strategist. ",2933,114966,00.html
None of this is absolute proof that Yassin was more than a figurehead, but it is more supportive of my contention than the simple expression of that contention.
Certainly the Israelis believed he was more than a figurehead, but I suppose their intelligence is to be totally discounted.
The Queen of England is a symbolic figurehead. No English youth are strapping explosives around their waists and venturing into Ireland with deadly intent based upon her exhortations.
Jim Jones was a spiritual leader and that hardly made him benign or inconsequential.
Whether or not Yassin participated in the operational details of suicide bombings is not the measure of his threat to Israel.