Physics is wonderful to bad that its language (math) is evil
just kidding, just difficult.
Anyways about this ever expanding universe, balloon, or the dissipation of matter/energy debate. The first theory i read about the universe's 'end' was that the universe is umm heh "inside" a cone which is connected to another cone the openings facing.. kind of like this
so the 'big bang' happened at one point and the 'next one' will happen when the universe retracts into itself because the cone will force it to.. it was a theory attempting to actually give a definite answer to something we cannot grasp ( I believe ) because it is above our 3rd dimensional grasp. hell look at thee '4th' dimension we can barely observe 'time' and cannot accurately measure it (as we measure it, it disappears) and the universe on a whole seems to me to be on at least the 5th dimension because there have been experiments which have been altered by that which 'disappeared'
these virtual particles that dont violate the law of the conservation of energy yet appear then disappear. one person i read annotated this as being particles from another space/time or dimension.
Looking at what G_Day wrote about matter bending space time and space time telling matter where to go is very interesting. I've read it before in my pursuit of learning more about 'black holes' only to discover lol more questions about the 'fabric' of space-time. but yea will the universe expand forever? heh
to touch on what twyvel said and i mean no offense but lol.. you are speaking about the egocentric laws of the universe. does the universe exist for us to discover? does the 'grand unified theory' exist for us to discover? if the G.U.T. does exist then it would ditract weather or not we actually discover it.. so what if it dictates that we DO NOT discover it.. ya.. ever saying we lack the ability to discover something or saying that its 'meant' we don't discover something is blind.. if you wish to feel that way go ahead... i'd be happy to waste my life in the pursuit of the unachievable such as this. if it is actually 'above us' then we are working to be more than the sum of our parts and im happy with that.