Fri 19 Mar, 2004 12:29 pm
Here's a riddle for you...
I was standing,
Looking out upon
A field of blue and green,
Upon which
You can not walk
I saw a hole in the plain,
Surrounded with a common substance.
That can not be made by man.
What is this object,
On a blue and green floor?
C'mon guys. It's not that hard. Is anyone even working on it?
Is the "green and blue" plain you refer to the earth viewed from high up?
Right track? wrong track?
It is but it isn't. If you veiwed earth from space you would see it. But its not earth. Its not dirt or grass or anything like that.
Jebus wrote:It is but it isn't. If you veiwed earth from space you would see it. But its not earth. Its not dirt or grass or anything like that.
Is the hole the famous ozone layer hole? with a backdrop of green and blue colour?
It isn't earth (dirt, grass, ect.) but its ON earth. Ill just tell you if you want.
Jebus, you only posted yesterday, if we dont get it by next sat then tell us, a lot of people wont even have seen it yet.
ok. But serioulsy, its not that hard. Would you like a hint?
no thanks, perhaps next week if it's still not solved. If you take a look back you'll see that some of these run for weeks.
See what you can make of "I saw my first in starry skies" scroll down a bit.
ok, i posted my thoughts in the starry night riddle.
the answer is a boat made of wood