Tue 16 Mar, 2004 05:02 pm
You can't turn back the clock...
But just imagine you could.I don't mean for to change history, so no warning people or last goodbyes.But just for a little look at the truth.
Where and when would you go?I'm thinking along the lines of...
The grassy knoll in Texas,wouldn't be nice to know?
The Moon in '69 did they really go?
The bridge on the Californian,were they really so close to the Titanic,but did nothing.What did they see?
What truth would you like to see?
"Historical Truth" is always relative to the present, or to put it another way perception is active not passive.
What would it matter for example if "Jesus" turned out to be merely a political agitator who knowingly "martyred" himself by deliberately stirring up trouble on the Passover (a festival of revolt against oppression - when the Romans felt vulnerable and prone to zero tolerance)?
The "truth" is secondary to the "need" of the seeker.
How far back can I go? A hundred million years... I would love to see live dinosaurs (from a safe distance of course). What color where they? What was flying around in the trees at that time? What did the planet look like before the grasses (flowering plants) had evolved?
I would follow along rosborne's lines. But I would bring back something as a pet. Maybe an Archeopteryx. They resemble my favorite pokemon, so it's the closest I could get to my true fantasy... to be the #1 pokemon master.
I'd train it to kill other people's pets.
It's a good thing I can't turn back the clock. I would be considered a mass murder. If only I knew then what I know now! I would be in an asylum or a prison. I haven't figured out which yet!
I didn't know that people weren't unlike animals. I didn't know that ones you trusted would betray you the second they had something to gain off of you. I would slit their throats in literal form, as they have figuratively done to me. Selfish and hurtful people that will do serious ill to another aren't worthy of breathing. I am tired of dealing with this every single day of my life, but I have to. I would love to actually take a life with a feeling of honor and just riding the world of it's evils. I wont. I can't be so low as others can.
Hatred is a horrible emotion. I do feel it and wish that I didn't. This only hurts me. People that will hurt others for self gain feel nothing. I don't get it. I have run out of fingers to count the individuals who have seriously wronged me for their own greed. Being a decent person is not ever rewarded. Being a greedy, selfish one brings you anything you want in life.
Lock me up!! That's harsh and I know it. I only wish that people where a fraction of what they arrogantly think they are, but this is not true and I know it now. I wish that I was as ignorant as I was in younger years. I was a happier person who could give trust. I can't anymore because of too many betrayals of greed.
Yep, Wildflower63, as Fresco says, perception is active rather than passive.
Great ideas.I hadn't considered the dinosaurs.Wouldn't be wonderful to stand somewhere and not see any man made stuff? Just these big weird animals roaming around.(sounds a bit like my wife and her family)
Wildflower63, thats why I put that you can only observe rule there.We can't have you running about killing everyone, can we? (one of them might be me)
Gordy, if you are an insult to humanity, watch out! That's the only people that ever make it to my hit list. The law never did dictate right from wrong and will not protect us from evil, self serving people. We cannot ever expect it to or we will take a huge step backwards in time and allow religion to take government and start catching witches on fire again! Not a good idea.
We can think anything we want. It is choice whether or not to act on horrible thoughts of hatred. People that do, live behind bars. I have managed this long, so I guess that I am not threat to society at all. I don't ever want to believe that I am some low life scum that would ever play God and feel it is my decision to ever take a life. Would I love a fee day well armed, you bet I would! That isn't reality and I know it.
I couldn't do it anyway, no matter how much I think the world would be a better place without the seriously ethically challenged living among us. I do believe that those who harm others do pay up in some form. It may not always look that way from the outside.
You will never hear them speak of their own self induced misery because of their own actions. The ethical challenged are way to superficial to discuss anything but their own perfection and self appointed intelligence. They do get pain of their own selfish action, in time.
When did money equal happiness? It never did. I am not wealthy. I am not poor. I grew up in a white trash neighborhood where the rednecks even shot our cats thinking they were barn animals. I know the difference between needs and wants. Some people define themselves by possessions and financial ability. If you don't have it, you are a failure. If you do, you are a success. How screwed up are people thinking this sort of thing? Very!!!
Another thing I find completely annoying about people, self appointed intelligence and superiority. No, they aren't on my hit list, but I would like to hit them over the head with something! I get so tired of this battle of self appointed intelligence.
Anyone can have a valid opinion. Opinions are not fact. Try telling that to the self appointed genius! They get offended and attack. They don't know anything of true insight that anyone else does. Opinion is never fact. I don't think opinion ever made it to scientific law, or did it? I am so sick of people, with their self appointed intelligence, trying to intimidate others.
People really do suck sometimes! I wish I was born an animal with fur. I would have far less responsibility in life that stresses me out beyond belief. Kill or be killed is acceptable among animals who have no reasoning to hurt another and do not, unless you threaten their life. People kill snakes often out of fear. A snake is a very timid species, but people don't get this idea at all.
Does anyone see my point or am I going over the edge, again! I am pretty good at that one!! lol!
Wildflower63 wrote:People really do suck sometimes! I wish I was born an animal with fur. I would have far less responsibility in life that stresses me out beyond belief..(clip)..Does anyone see my point or am I going over the edge, again! I am pretty good at that one!! lol!
Well, I think you *are* going over the edge a bit, but I do still see your point. Please note that if you *were* a (non-human) animal, then you would not have the ability to judge right/wrong as we humans do, and that alone would solve much of your current frustration with humanity.
Beware your own ability to judge, for it creates realities unto itself (realities which mere animals never have to endure). Much of your stress comes not from the world around you, but from your choice of what to stress out about; another uniquely human characteristic.
Best Regards,
Thanks, but I do understand my origion. This is not the life I am stuck living with today. I wish things were different. I wish people were different. I mean something much better than most ever stive to be by that statement. Most do not, very unfortunately.
People really do suck!! Seriously.