Mon 15 Mar, 2004 04:52 pm
What comes next and why?
1024 128 16 ?
-832 -104 -13 -832/512 ?
81 77 72 70 63 ?
8 10 19 25 28 26 17 11 ?
13 41 52 73 104 ?
Is this all one riddle? If not, the top line would be: 1024- 128-16 = 2
divide 1024 by 2 three times = 128 repeat process = 16 repeat =2
There are five series, kev.
Second one
832- 104- 13 - 832 / 512 - 64 - 8 - 512
832 divide by 2 three times =104 repeat =13 Reverse process back to 832
same process with 512
Fourth line
8 - 10 - 19- 25 - 28 - 26 - 17 - 11 - 8
sequence is 8 +2 +9 +6 +3 up to 28 then repeat but MINUS 2-9-6-3 Ans 8
Fifth line
13 - 41 - 52 - 73 - 104 = 55 or 19 not sure?
the sequence seems to be:
add the numbers together to give you the first number and add one more each time so : 1+3 =4 +1 +41
4+1 = 5+2 =52
5+2 =7+3 =73
7+3 = 10+4 =104
Then either 1+0+4 = 5 +5 =55
Or 10+4 =14 +5 =19
Third line
81 77 72 70 63 = 63
81 * 72 * 63 represent 9x9 8x9 7x9
77 * 70 represent 11x7 10x7 so: 9x7 = 63
second and fifth not correct.. however your method is.
2nd: 26/128<=
5th: 145<=
How about? Fifth
100+4 +5 ans 109
It seems to me that Kev has done all of the hard work on the fifth line and then stumbled slightly on the easier bit.
Following his system for 104; 10 + 4 = 14. But then, though not expressly stated there is a multiplication by ten, e.g. 4+1 = 5 (times ten = 50) + 2 = 52. Doing the same with 104 and assuming it to be 10+4 then that becomes 14. 14 times ten = 140. 140 +5 = 145 and not 19.
The second line: I was wondering at the significance of those minus signs - if they are minus signs, but no spacers were used on the other series so it appears likely. IMHO, Kev's answer given for the second line is as valid as any other answer is likely to be, but those minus signs bother me.