Fri 18 Jan, 2013 05:50 pm
Our landlord actually offered the middle of December 2012 to allow us to be late on the rent this month which would have been for January 2013 due to my husband being unemployed for three weeks to allow us to catch up financially. Landlord did not give us a deadline for the rent to be paid. Landlord offered us to continue renting the property until the end of March 2013 and at that time wanted to put the home on the market by May 1, 2013. The rent was normally due on the 1st of each month. On January 16, 2013 the landlord called and threatened she was turning off the water because the water utility was in her name due to non-payment of the rent and the next day asked the realtor that was willing to sell the home for her in May to serve us an eviction notice with letter head on the document from the realty company he worked for identified as the new property management company that now represents our landlord. Said we had no later than 5 days to pay the rent and directed us to deposit the rent check in the night deposit box at his office. Is our landlord responsible for buying us out of the verbal lease agreement due to breaking the verbal lease after agreeing to allow us to continue to rent the property until the end of March 2013?
I know there are a few lawyers on here but not sure they know Taxes law. Maybe you should contact Legal Aid in your area and get advice.
Texas Tenant Advisor
As Samuel Goldwyn once said, "An oral agreement isn't worth the paper it's written on."