Lucky world a fire is born
To world and to the hand
unluckiness your sky torn
Without it lost your land
Peace is such that grind is so
It is not no please stop
It is don't know.. tell me pro
who is on the hop?
Sennabites know 'hurt's you see
Reason is futile such
To presume not we know the place
Is to presume too hot don't touch
Change it here oh laughing boy
the prison guard insists
change the truth for your own ploy?
not so when truth EXISTS!
Every day ten thousand hours
reminding that we learn
learn a million times that is ours
that others may believe they earn
break your spell slighted one
your search for calm is so
when you hunt for truth and you find none
tell me is it you who choose 'not know'?
So see thyself and wonder why
your eye is drawn to hate
You can skip the systems pondering force
before it is too late!