Fri 28 Dec, 2012 05:01 am
Sanity caught the bus
Every day as the lack
No crossing diverted
one man
only a driver
driven he fell to
all responsive
lie to our system
for we grant you must
echoed windows hummed
no blood but take it
take it or suffer
suffer not why threaten?
means vast beyond your prey
vile liar of a bully
still feed my day
for I have no knife or real urge
split the skull and end that dead thing
Weak I rattle in, not rattle out.
strength you take in, shark eye..
rattle out, you might!
Then such a godly warning.
split your skull human.
for in 20 years you lie!
Sons vanish wildly then..
For slight fear slips slowly ..
defining moments?
Spittle!.. definition arrives
in .. the lie you now demand!
My work is not the Jesus
who would defile the boy!
Ship your notion to the Arabs
I seek truth and betterment
Amusement, drain thee, so softly
Thee suck fear .. Incubi external provides
Which then?
Defining whining?
Takes that sip of evil dragons breath
Time and again but
Issues laughter, for reads
How is your systems copied line lie?
It is about, being forced to take heroin on a bus.
By a bored heroin addict.
Skipped, nonces... thus mentioned ponces, sits without cornflakes .. these onces.
Sanity strong held the wheel
No swifter nod at thy friend than
Singular works drive
The grand appeal of all that
that .. that hope?
holidays then..
CCTV and spit shields.
Rabid monsters.
Words. Shock!
I am flush young traveler.
Take my wares with me
bored enough
Beat you
Snakes belong to God
Give away that which
any day
Takes it
offer true!
thanking you
hating me
smiles he does
shark eye..
Snake beat 10 times..
Beat the snake, this week!
Really intense poetry, I like it
Darkly I thank you with flat indifference.
doesn't stop it from being good