current post wrote: perhaps even creates them at the extremes of the wire, rather than a loop internal which the lack of friction would allow a space to fill of significant value.
previous post wrote:without friction the process snaps and you know it.
LOL Your current post is in contradiction with your previous post, hombre loco.
The question asks What is the reason for electron to create magnetic field? friction is not even related to the
creation of magnetic field, and it is only related in the sense that it can affect the strength of magnetic field, but, I repeat, it is not the reason for electrons to create magnetic field.
As you mentioned, heat does affect magnetic properties of an object. The higher the temperature of an object gets,the atoms gain more kinetic energy and move around more rapidly thus the magnetic domain is disturbed. Thusly, the superconductors, you mentioned, run best on very low temperatures, cooled below critical temperatures.Increased cold work as well as low quantities of impurity additions systematically reduce the strain amplitude of the internal friction of super conducting wire making it possible to create superconducting magnets.