Tue 25 Dec, 2012 05:23 pm
I am 60 yrs. old and have severe arthritis in my neck . I don't need surgery now, but in 5 or 10 yrs. I might have to have my neck fused. With the huge cuts in medicare, and rationing, death panels and denial of care for seniors coming, I want to know if when my surgery is needed and Obama denies it , cause I'm too old, or didn't vote for him or whatever, will it be illegal for me to pay for my own surgery ? Cause after all in Obamas world it won't be " fair " for me to pay cash when others can't . I might just have elective surgery now , while I still have my insurance policy before I lose it and am forced into Obama care in 2014. I would like a correct answer to this from somebody who knows, not more Obama propaganda. Thanks !! Askipper52
No one can predict the future - here or anywhere else. It is unrealistic to expect anyone to give you an answer on what hasn't beeen an agreed upon public policy yet.
Why would you think that anything would stop you from
paying out of your own pocket for an operation in the future? That question confuses me.
I'm pretty hazy on this myself, but one might have to seek out a surgeon that does not accept Medicare in any form. I'm not sure why I'm having this thought, but I may have heard something in the past few years. If so, it was more related to current Medicare than Obamacare.
The only oddity I'm really sure of is that a doctor submitting a Medicare claim absolutely must collect the Medicare copay. In other words, they can't call it charity and bill for the Medicare portion of the bill. Uh, I guess this has no relavance to the question, but I already typed it, so. . . .
That is what people would usually term 'ridiculous'...
You will be able to seek the mercy of the medical profession in one way or another.
Elective surgery now is a horrible idea. They are watching for that and they will have an excuse to take away your guns while you are recuperating. I would also stop admitting in public that you didn't vote for Obama. They probably know already who you voted for anyway, but why not hope that they didn't record your vote.
You should do what I did. I converted to Islam which, in addition to the Obama stickers on my care, I am pretty sure will put me on the top of the list for surgery.
Wow ! I don't know if you are just making fun of me or you are actually way ahead of the curve ! Problem is , what you are saying in fun, might very well come true ....................
Thanks ragman !! You are the only one who gave me a serious try at a serious answer. I do think I would be denied my surgery under Obama care. If It will be illegal to pay for it myself, I'll have to go to another country to get it done I guess. just think, people all over the world used to come to America for great health care . Those days are gone.
OOPS !! Sorry Roger !! I got the messages mixed up. Thanks again ! Sorry for the name mixup !!
Theres a sentence in the law that says that the " board " whoever that is , will be in a position to OK or deny care based on criteria that has nothing to do with your need. Stuff like your age, and your " productivity to society." Your doctor will have nothing to say about it . So.....if a rich person can afford to buy the needed care , and the poor man can't , its not " fair ". And that flys in the face of the collective , communist principles that Obama care is all about . Thats why Pelosie said " we have to pass it before you can find out whats in it . " I don't think most Americans would have willingly decided to turn America into the old U.S.S R. Thats all I'm sayin.
HEY !! I almost forget the best part of your reply ! At least you are admitting that Obama is a radical Muslim . SO..........Are you the only person in the world who has seen the real birth certificate ?? Or is it just obvious . It always has been to me. I'll bet you can time his daily schedule by the 5 times he has to kneel toward Mecca and pray every day. And yeah, I'll bet he takes guns away from all the christians first, and leaves the real good stuff for his " brothers." to use once the rest of us are defenseless Sorry, couldn't resist. I'm done now .
Honest, it would be much better to separate the question from the politics. It is going to affect any kind of answer you get.
Askipper52 wrote:
Theres a sentence in the law that says that the " board " whoever that is , will be in a position to OK or deny care based on criteria that has nothing to do with your need. Stuff like your age, and your " productivity to society." Your doctor will have nothing to say about it . So.....if a rich person can afford to buy the needed care , and the poor man can't , its not " fair ". And that flys in the face of the collective , communist principles that Obama care is all about . Thats why Pelosie said " we have to pass it before you can find out whats in it . " I don't think most Americans would have willingly decided to turn America into the old U.S.S R. Thats all I'm sayin.
Can you give me a link to the page where I'll find this sentence please? I'd like to read it for myself.
i'm absolutely amazed, given some of the folks i see out and about (myself included some days) that anyone could be against death panels, i say bring them on
let's add retroactive abortions, up to say, age 18 or legal emancipation, why should parents be confined to just getting rid of unwanted fetuses
Askipper52 wrote: I'm done now .
I think you fried a circuit or two a while back.
Good luck.
Yeah! He is a radical Muslim and an Atheist.
I have not only seen his birth certificate, I have also seen the plans made at his birth to insert him into the US to become the first Black Muslim president.
It was an intricate plan from the start. The Wahabees and the Bilderbergers and selected him at birth, gave him a white mother and put ads in the Hawaii papers to fake his birth, knowing that as a black man he could into Harvard and be elected and take guns away from Christians and let the gays marry.
And now he is coming after you.
The death panels will be useful for making Soylent Green.
Quote:Theres a sentence in the law that says that the " board " whoever that is , will be in a position to OK or deny care based on criteria that has nothing to do with your need.
You might want to try reading your insurance policy, They grant themselves the right to deny care based on any criteria they choose. You won't know until you need it whether they will deny it or not.
As for the sentence in the law, maybe you should give us the exact citation because I'll bet your understanding is so far off from the truth that even an 8 year old could understand it better.
By the way. In 5 or 10 years you won't be on Obamacare. You will be on Medicare which really has nothing to do with Obamacare. It is a program that was in place when Obama was barely in grade school. If you are worried about the services that Medicare will offer in 10 years then perhaps you should worry about those that are currently demanding that Medicare be cut in the future. It is those people that will affect the money available for any future surgery you need. It's the white GOP that is attempting to prevent you from having this surgery in the future if anyone is. But clearly reality doesn't affect your mindset that a black Muslim is out to get you.