@Umang Kumar,
I doubt that what you've written is true. Had you noticed the fact the discussion was about
riding a bicycle?
There's some sort of calculation error. If you pedaled your bike (using your legs only) 90 miles per day both ways, that'd be 180 miles per day. This is highly doubtful that you did this daily. That feat is something you might do
ONCE for an endurance event. A 90-mile-bike-ride would take the avg in-shape cyclist about 6 hrs - or if you're an elite conditioned rider it might take 5 hrs. However, to take the same RETURN ride bike on the same day...you'd be extremely sore and exhausted.
Now let's understand this claim: if you had to do this type of bicycle ride daily, then you must be a world-class cyclist. Or is it, perhaps, a case that you're a world-class story-teller?
Then there's your claim about riding a bike from SF, CA to Amarillo TX ...
Numbers don't add up.