Sat 6 Mar, 2004 04:49 pm
one poor word cannot bear that much weight, yet this poor word must stagger under the load forever. english word that should not be required to carry so many human hearts.
what is the word?
this was in a letter i got a few days ago. i'm not sure if it's really even considered a riddle but i figured someone here could help me out. the answer isn't love btw. thanks in advance.
Broke? = poor / broken heart?
that's a definite possibility. i'll check and see if it's right and let you know. in the mean time.. does anyone else have any guesses?
that wasn't the answer. i really can't think of anything.
one poor word cannot bear that much weight,
faint (adj) weak, lacking strength
one english word that should not be required to carry so many human hearts.
faint as in
faint hearted
Not brilliant but it's very late here.
well i just checked.. and that's not it either! this is so hard. i'm almost ready to just give up.
can't bear much weight..staggers under the load forever.. carries human hearts..
can't bear much weight
staggers forever
carries human hearts
Must be.....A VAMPIRE BAT??????
ok i got a hint. its a nine letter word.
haha. still no. this is ridiculous. hardest ever.
Where the $%£"&^ is everybody? Hello, everybody, where are you?
ok well.. whenever i finally give up on it i'll come back here and let everyone know what the answer is. it's pretty much too late but i'm gonna keep guessing anyway. and thanks kev for at least trying.
it was kinda impossible to guess that. it could have been anything. i guess it wasn't really a riddle.
thesouth wrote:holocaust.
it was kinda impossible to guess that. it could have been anything. i guess it wasn't really a riddle.
I'm not sure Joe what that comes under, I really couldn't see anybody coming up with holocaust, with the information given.
Not to worry, keep em coming