Thu 4 Mar, 2004 04:30 pm
Can anyone tell me the criteria for administrating and/or interpreting the wechsler tests?
Here is a great deal of information on the Wecchsler tests.
Is there something in particular you are trying to find out with regard to administration/interpretation?
Yes, I'm trying to find out if there are any standards observed in the administration or interpretation of the Wechsler tests other than a "trained professional". What,exactly constitues that criteria?
Gives a list for many tests and says ...
' Administered individually, by PhD-level degree in Psychology or Education only...'
Thanks, those sites were helpful.
You're welcome, glad to have assisted
new question-wechsler tests
After further research I've come across the publication that will give me a more specific answer to my question. However, I have to buy it to access the info. Maybe someone out there has it?
"Standards for Educational and Psychological Testing" (1999)
this was created jointly by the American Educational Research Assoc., the American Psychological Assoc. and the National Council for Measurement in Education.
Any ideas? Thanks
Have you looked for it on Amazon? Sometimes you can find it used. You can do that easily here--go up to shop and search on the whole title--it does come up at the bottome of the page-click in there and see if there are any used.
yes, I did find it there used, but I still don't want to buy it if I don't have to. Also, I need the info. faster than I can get it from there.
I put this research off too long, and am now afraid I'll just have to plug away without it. My fault.
dont spaz cheerleader jeez! ^.^
Wechsler Intelligence Testing
Here is another link in case you have time to look it up:
OOPS - better link with index for your information:
Testing can be administered by an intern or student of psychology, BUT the results and final recommendations must be overseen by a Ph.D. or similar academic.