No not at all the issue is (and I know your going to say there you go again) is that I have been told some very negative things and some very positive things by Friends and family both to both extremes I have had negative experiences(everybody has them disabaled or not :-) in the past so far nothing that positive in that department. im simply trying to find some kind of ground as to how to approach this
I personally think that most disabled people spoil it for themselves shooting themselves in the foot they cant stand on so to speak much like you thourght was/(am not) doing with my Question
Im simply trying to gage for from you (everybody has a different opinion on this and thats ok :-) Would I have to try harder for a women to see me in that way eg a Relationship and or Sex *Because (not me) but the majority of disabled People are cynical warped and moany from the off so therefore you would not want to be around anyone like that.
So therefore would this approach make a difference
1) Forgetting my past experiences and negative thoughts about myself and supposed beliefs of others about my disability
2) If people/Women feel the need to pity me with “aww’s” and sentences like “
I Feel sorry for you’re a great person” unrequired help (Only to an point where it gets silly) I’m well aware of the difference being nice and being way over the top.
“I would be like haha what are you on about I’m the same as you just maybe get about some a different way” and only talk about my disability when they bring it up. Putting straight any silly ideas/myths they have about me quickly as they arise
3) just be outgoing and fun as if I don’t see it and they wont
Or would the chair still be an issue