With respect, I think
you are missing the point. What does your use of the word "actually" imply ? As Protagoras said....
Quote:Man is the Measure of All Things
...and that includes deciding what a "thing"
is.(The nominal first level of measurement). Words such as "electron" denote a conjunction of observational measurements supported by theoretical models which may or may not correspond to familiar macro-objects. In the case of the electron the idea of it being "a particle" something like an orbiting satellite is only
one type of picture to which we can relate. Another involves its wave properties which can be thought to extend indefinitely in space . "Wave packets" or "quanta" can be
thought of as three dimensional nodes of reinforcement of interfering waves.
In short, these alternative models of "an electron" have
reality only to the extent that they are useful in predicting observations. So your word "actually" has no ontological significance (existential status), it merely signifies what can be agreed regarding observations.