Wed 25 Feb, 2004 10:49 pm
How do you read a dictionary? is there like ways to do so? like techniques? or what any approaches? or thesaurus or rhyming dictionary?
Uh, from the beginning, then go to the middle, then all the way to the end? :wink:
Okay, serious answer: I don't think most people actually sit down and read dictionaries, as they're exceedingly long and (to quote Alice in Wonderland) "have no pictures or conversations in them". Well, there are pictures. But the bottom line is, they're dull. There's little connection among all of the words on a given page, unless there are separate listings for plurals or differing verb tenses. Otherwise, you get cat and catheter on the same page, and Muslim and muslin, and cheese and cheetah. And none of these are related to one another.
So the idea is, these items are read for reference. They're picked up when needed, but not for pleasure reading. Yes, there are some folks who read them for fun, but generally the idea is, if you need to know how to spell dingy, or you want the definition of malamute, you go to the dictionary. To get words that rhyme with shard (let's say you were writing poetry), you'd go for the rhyming dictionary. If you were writing a term paper, and kept using the word indigent, and you felt it was getting dull and you could use some synonyms, you'd head for the thesaurus. For fun reading, though, you'd crack open a non-reference type of book.
aight thanks for your help
Thank YOu for your help....