Men who believe that women are equal, will you PLEASE explain yourselves?

Sat 18 Aug, 2012 02:06 am
The sexes aren't equal, they can't be equal, and that's that. If they were equal, then women wouldn't need to pass a whole lot of laws in order to achieve "equality", would they? The very fact that feminism has cast the issue in terms of equal "rights", and a right means whatever the state says it means, proves that the whole idea is nonsense. Because if you need force - the law - to physically threaten people into treating women as if they are equal, then they're not equal. No society has ever regarded men and women as equal. The very fact that feminism requires laws to try to bully and threaten society into obedience disproves its central tenet.

If women were really as capable as men, there would be no reason for men to doubt them in the first place. Even in 2008 with all the equality, a lot of men STILL doubt women's abilities. WHY? Because we look around and see what women DO and what they DON'T do. Men invented or created almost everything of lasting value and we do almost all the work of keeping civilization running. Where are the female Einsteins, Hawkings, Platos, and Rembrandts of the world? And don’t give me the tired old cry baby excuse that women were oppressed. How long are you cry babies going to milk that excuse? 10 more years? 20 more? 100 more? There’s no conspiracy against women. It’s just that men, being men, stepped up to the plate and built civilization from the ground up and keep it running, which is one of the reasons why and how men assumed political dominance over women. Another thing to ponder is why were women in this situation in the first place? If you’re going to play the “oppression excuse” game, then let’s follow it to its logical conclusion. If women were oppressed by men, then that means women were weaker than men after all. A group can’t possibly dominate and oppress a similarly sized group of people for hundreds if not thousands of years if they’re equal or inferior. Correct?

Listen up you manginas and women who post lists of female inventors, scientists, or what have you in an effort to debunk my message. Don’t you understand that none of those women or inventions remotely compare to the likes of Newton, Mozart, the Internet, and the Computer? It’s sad when you have manginas and women who are so afraid of the reality of the short-comings of women that they need to keep a list of female accomplishments nearby just in case somebody like me comes along to tell it like it is. What’s even sadder is that these relatively small lists roughly cover 95% of all female contributions to civilization. Just imagine how large a list of male inventors, writers, scientists, etc., would be.

Men have greater intellect, creativity and emotional sensitivity then women. The only reason more women ae graduating college is because society favors women over men and thinks they still need a hand. So really, the only thing women have done that's worth mentioning is having children. Another thing worth saying is that women have been giving birth forever, yet it was a man that invented forceps that prevented an enormous number of deaths of birthing women. Personally, I'm tired of always seeing the men play the baffoon in TV these days. 47% of American adults today are single, a huge number of young men don't see the point of getting married these days.

Everyone knows deep down that women couldn't maintain a civilization by themselves, and they know just as well that women aren't nearly as capable as men. They're just denying it to themselves so they continue feeling like a strong, powerful, independent woman when really, there is no such thing. Women are dependent on us men to keep society running and they know it. Women weren't programmed to be rational and logical, they were made to run on emotion.

Let them be brain washed into thinking they're just as good as men in society. You can even let them think they're better. The ones that are true to themselves, the ones that see the world for what it is and what it should be, the ones who know that men have built every important part of society are the ones that know this world is better of run by men and that women are better off with no rights.
Sat 18 Aug, 2012 02:22 am
So who pissed in your wheaties today?
0 Replies
Sat 18 Aug, 2012 02:51 am
I don't deny there are differences between men and women, besides the "plumbing." But that doesn't mean women are inferior.

I certainly don't doubt that men have problems in today's society, but these problems are not all caused by women.

You're the nightmare of every loving father of daughters, of which I happen to be one. If you're not already married, please stay single. You also might consider seeking professional help. Just be careful whom you select. Some clinical psychologists and psychiatrists are egregiously incompetent.
Sat 18 Aug, 2012 03:03 am
Essentially, this joker has no concept of political and economic equality. Substitute blacks for women in his rant and you can see where this kind of "thinking" leads.
Sat 18 Aug, 2012 06:42 am
women are better off with no rights.

What a tool! Cool

Green Witch
Sat 18 Aug, 2012 07:16 am
A tool that obviously never gets any action and resents it.
0 Replies
Sat 18 Aug, 2012 08:43 am
BlindBandit wrote:

...Everyone knows deep down that women couldn't maintain a civilization by themselves, and they know just as well that women aren't nearly as capable as men. They're just denying it to themselves so they continue feeling like a strong, powerful, independent woman when really, there is no such thing. Women are dependent on us men to keep society running and they know it. Women weren't programmed to be rational and logical, they were made to run on emotion.

I could be wrong, but men need women to continue having little boys as being part of humanity. So, unless there are test tubes growing little boys, the above post is incorrect, since men need women to raise those little boys with some semblance of civilized thinking. Not everything is brawn. And, even the spatial skills that more men might have a statistical predominance, women have a statistical predominance in other skills that men benefit from, in my opinion.

We would also all have died from scurvy, if women didn't pick berries, while the men went off on the hunt for protein. The word is symbiotic, not adversarial.

In my opinion, this thread is sad, since it shows that the mindset of some young males can be carried over into adulthood. Trivialize the contributions of women to civilization, while lauding the supposed superiority of males in only certain venues. Specious, in my opinion.
Sat 18 Aug, 2012 02:42 pm
Excellent post, Foofie! Cool
0 Replies
Sat 18 Aug, 2012 07:55 pm
no ...tool....
no fool!
0 Replies
Sun 19 Aug, 2012 01:23 pm
Women are directly responsible for all of the great men who have come into existence; through sexual selection, they determine whose genes are worthy of remaining in the gene pool, and whose are not. From an evolutionary standpoint, women play a greater role than men do in the furthering and directing of the species.
Sun 26 Aug, 2012 12:27 pm

Give it a rest, birdbrain. You've started three threads on this same theme and all you've become is repetitious and boring. Even your humor value is wearing thin.

Go troll elsewhere.
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Sun 26 Aug, 2012 12:42 pm
You forgot to mention this, BlindBandit...
0 Replies
Mon 2 Jun, 2014 10:02 am
For all the critics out there who are trying to shoot down the author of the article answer me this.

If men oppressed women for centuries or millenia, when was the last rebellion women started where hundreds of women fought men for equality. Has there even been one?

Over 10 years, or even 50 might be understandable but we are talking about hundreds of years.

I don't agree with everything the article writer says. But I think it is important to examine any point or potential point he has.

And women should be examining it too. The article is largely about them.

Pangloss, you are losing sight of something.

Most of the men in history have lived in a time when men ruled the world, long before equality was respected. Who women slept with was largely determined by men. Therefore most great men who came into being did so more by men choosing mates, than women.

Tue 30 Dec, 2014 10:49 pm
I say that a man who thinks women are equal is a fukin SOFTBALL men...almost a guay , the kind who let their women EXPRESS themselves , and look in wath kind of world we live today , a fkin sofball men' world .
Tue 30 Dec, 2014 11:04 pm
hatewomen wrote:

I say that a man who thinks women are equal is a fukin SOFTBALL men...almost a guay , the kind who let their women EXPRESS themselves , and look in wath kind of world we live today , a fkin sofball men' world .
0 Replies
Wed 19 Aug, 2015 09:06 pm
The only reason more women ae graduating college is because society favors women over men and thinks they still need a hand.

Could not agree with this more. Well played.
0 Replies
NSFW (view)
Thu 17 Sep, 2015 05:20 am
if their was a rebellion by women before then men would have erased it from history to try and stop it from happening again. if you do you research you will find that there has been many great women throughout history, but men were scared of women capabilities if they gained more knowledge so they erased every great achievement and even murdered women whom were intelligent, through fear. if you know so much, ask yourself, why did they not allow women to be educated? after all women raised their children, so wouldn't an intelligent mother be more beneficial to the children. Yes. but not to men, they wanted thick women who did as they were told and didn't answer back. Men are stronger and faster physically but there is a balance between everything in this world. Therefore women must have strengths above men too. thats what they feared. so they used their physical strength and the fact that women had to nurture children to overpower them and take control. male ego. neither men nor women can exist without each other.
Look up artist Judy Chicago 'The Dinner Party" She researched throughout history to find important women and in her books based on her artwork she tells each one of their stories. There must be billions more that were erased from history by men.
and women's fight for equal rights is liberating. It was the hardest thing to every achieve. to stand up and fight the world for their freedom after being born and raised in oppression. Its the most positive achievement every made in our society
0 Replies
Thu 17 Sep, 2015 05:31 am
take it back to the primitive times women had to raise and nurture children whilst men hunted for food for them, its common sense. Its really sad that you are such a narrow minded, egomaniac prick. I have a sneaky feeling that someone didn't have a very good relationship with there mother. and remember behind every great man that did happen to go down in history there was a great women who raised him
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Fri 29 Jan, 2016 02:52 am
tell me something you can do that i´m not capable of

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