Quote:Yes courts are an important barrier to this nonsense but it surely is not a perfect one or the only one.
You've discounted the validity and right of the people to duly elect representatives who propose and pass laws.
And, by the way, weren't the people who you feel would allegedly be disenfranchised by the Pennsylvania voter ID law entitled to vote in the past elections that put these Republicans into office?
Now you discount the validity of the courts to rule on the legality of such laws.
What's your solution--get out the guns?
Your hyped-up rhetoric substitutes paranoid hysteria for a reasoned appraisal of the situation.
They have concluded the hearings on the challenge to the Pennsylvania law--and the legal challenge is based on the provisions of the state Constitution-- and the judge is expected to rule by August 13th. Regardless of how that judge rules, the decision is likely to be appealed.
It is hard to see how the legal issues could be resolved in time for this law to be in effect before election day, or how sufficient state preparedness would be in place to insure that all voters would be accurately advised of the necessary voter ID requirements and have sufficient time to acquire them.
I think that everything suggests that implementation of this law will be blocked.
And if people don't like the proposals, like this one, that the current legislature comes up with, they better get to the polls in November and vote these people out of office.