I spend so much of my time online these days, I figured I might as well be learning from it....so here's the reason for this post:
Do you know of a reputable course that can be taken online for intermediate web design/development instruction? Is there a difference between web design and web development....if so, what exactly is it?
With 2 little ones at home it's very hard to take anything 'night' classes. So sadly, that's
not really an option right now....
The self-taught method generally fits me fine, and it's gotten me to where I am (not all that far, but far enough to create a nice looking site for myself). I've bought a book on javascript, have am going through various tutorials on XHTML right now....but I really want a structured learning tool....have any ideas for me?
I am not really looking for links to the best tutorials sites- I've found hundreds on my own and w/ the
PORTAL ...but not to say they're not good - because they've all helped me to some degree..I guess I'm looking for that 'schooled' structure...