A pool, Drew, is opportunity for excellent exercise especially valuable to the oldster myself as swimming places minimal stress on the back. Once a week a few chlortabs, about 30 gurgles of algae-clari, and a bag of shock should keep it clean and blue. By all means install modern pump-sweep system, much more economical, we use Intelliflow
Slightly acidic water burns the eyes so if you like to swim underwater occasional application of a base like PhUp might be required though it makes the water hazy
There’s some evidence incidentally that if you use a solar cover to heat the pool, allowing the pump to run at low speed when it’s supposed to be off might increase its life by maintaining a more uniform chlorine level
Can’t help much with sweep as we’ve used only one kind, a typical 4-wheel device with bag and swishing tail and powered by separate pump. It effectively picks up most kinds of deposit except sand