Thu 5 Jul, 2012 10:45 am
It certin clues that equal up to a place in my town. They have it every year. I need help figuring it all out.
Clue #1 - It's year 26 and here we are again...
It's a quarter plus one
And it's time for our yearly fun...
Clue #2 - Transformation provided within
Clue #3 - Build it and they will come
Clue #4 - Comes pheasant, quail, dove season and he's out and about...
** That is all the clues they have given so far. So far Clue 2 made me think maybe a church? Then clue 3 made me think of the movie "Field of Dreams" and the #4th one stumped me? HELP!
What town do you live in?
The only overlap on quail, dove and pheasant season is November 10-14.
Can you think of anything special that happens during those dates?
There will be a new clue tomorrow to ad. Just trying to get some guesses and sugestions
Clue #5 - elementary my dear watson - "pink"
Clue 2. Transformation provided within could be a beauty salon.
Transformations can take place inside a school, an elementary school, perhaps? Maybe one named after a woman (pink).
Sherlock Holmes lived in Baker Street.