Fri 29 Jun, 2012 05:20 pm
With rhe Supreme Court putting ObamaCare to one last test (the November. Elections), if you don't vote Obama out AND as many Conservatives as possible, are you prepared ti tell your children and/or grandchildren what America was like when it was free?
I'm going to tell them what America was like when people couldn't get basic healthcare and that amazingly enough, before the ACA went into effect and became permanent, there were actually Americans who opposed that. And my grandchildren are gonna say "Are you serious?! Wow. Glad that changed."
(I'm reminded of this, that I saw earlier today:)
Quote:Chinese readers strain to understand the political incentives for arguing against providing care. A piece about how the Supreme Court’s decision will affect the campaign, broadcast on China National Radio today, struggled to explain how rational voters could find common cause with a party that seeks to prevent them from gaining access to care. “More and more poor people in America will realize that the Obama Administration is truly on their side.” There was something quaint in its conclusion: “This whole debate over health-care reform is a good thing for the Obama Administration. For the Republicans, it’s a miscalculation.”
KHENRI wrote:
With rhe Supreme Court putting ObamaCare to one last test (the November. Elections), if you don't vote Obama out AND as many Conservatives as possible, are you prepared ti tell your children and/or grandchildren what America was like when it was free?
Sure will - but, they'll be able to see just as well for themselves, as they will be no less free then than I was as a child growing up.
Don't let that get in the way of breathless exaggeration, though.
If the republicans can characterise health care as a tax increase they just might win. The SC sure helped them out with this idea.