Land Meets Sky
Photograph courtesy Luc Perrot, TWAN
Heaven and Earth meet in this mystical portrait of the Milky Way appearing to pour down into the Indian Ocean off the rocky coast of Réunion Island.
The central bulge of our home galaxy—the downtown core of the Milky Way some 30,000 light-years away from Earth—is partially obscured by dark gas and dust in a spiral arm.
"This night, the swell was particularly strong and I spent a few minutes behind the security fence, but the desire was too intense to find a more striking point of view so I bypassed the barrier and I headed towards the entrance of the Gouffre until I got this magnificent perspective," said photographer Luc Perrot.
Said Tafreshi: "This winning image by Luc Perrot has captured a scene of pure nature with no touch of our modern world, either in the sky or on the land."