Quote:Do you not see how badly you have misanalysed language, Frank? Yet again.
I have not misanalysed language at all, JTT. That is simply your compulsion to insult people that is leading you to that thought. Try to get control of the urge. You will be a better person for it, I promise you.
Quote:This is your H2oman Complex.
You are the one with that complex, JTT. I don't think I have mentioned H2Oman except in response to what you write. You seem to be baiting me with constant references to it, but you are being unsuccessful. You ought really to come out with your point rather than flitting about it like you are.
Quote:But stop trying to use language as your battering ram. You're simply not competent enough in this particular field.
Yes, you seem to think that. But I am reasonably competent with the language despite your disparagement. And I think most people see me as competent with it.
You ought really to try to get control of this urge to demean people, JTT. Doing so demeans you more than your target.