@Frank Apisa,
Quote:JTT is off base with his criticism. The use of “their” in that sentence is not a catastrophe, but proper usage still is preferable.
That's the trouble with folks like you, Frank, that have been schooled in this stupidity - you're willing to ignore all the facts and hang your hat on these inane arguments like "proper usage".
"My criticism" is backed up by research done by really language experts, not these snake oil salesmen that you have "learned" from.
There's nothing proper about making up phony rules for something as complicated as language.
I told you, that's the singular 'you', Frank, and yet it uses a plural verb. Language uses grammar structure to describe nuances. You [singular] know that you [singular] ARE wrong and yet you persist in advancing this abject ignorance.
"__one" are grammatically singular by convention but they are notionally plural.
'Everyone brought his tent' is a ridiculous way to describe that 'Everyone brought their tent'. Why would 'everyone' bring one guy's tent?
This is the kind of stupidity that flows from these nonsensical rules. Again, as I've explained, and provided sources, these rules were made up. They do not conform to tradition [language tradition], though that's a common defense given by prescriptivists. How can these people, who profess to be language experts, miss this glaring fact?