To me, String Theory is a scientific hypothesis dressed up for Prime Time TV shows. It does Nat Geo much better than does surface chemistry of ligands and epigenetics.
Most people couldnt do dimensional analyses if their lives depended on it, but watch a few shows and read some natty web sites , and everyones an expert.
I havent heard or seen anyone here who works in the field so lets say that today's employability of theoretical"String Theory" physics is much like getting a PhD in "Museum STudies" its a small priesthood.
Whereas marketability of applied Relativity theory is quite open. "Gizmology", system clocks, satellites,ICAP,SHRIMP,Edax, GAs Chromatographs , GPS, international TV reception, Astrophysics , geophysics of earth as a fluid, etc etc have relativistic aspects of their stuff built in. Jobs go searching for applied theory people.
Even the obstetricians of String theory feel that theres a bit of woo hoo in there