a fact gos on whether you "believe it or not", When a fact is given enough evidence and proof that its being fits within a standard theory
Belief is irrelevant. We know how fermentation occurs via yeast, we dont "believe in it",
Belief is a mere tool , absent evidence.
Thats how it is in science
A yeast will ferment sugar whether or not there is a mind to "Believe" it.
Youve confused the popular context of "belief"
Its sorta risen to the level of what a theory is in science. Most people think that theory means mere speculation, it doesnt.
Fermentation happens, I try to understand how it does all that via the intercession of yeast.
Think about my sig line. Its actually true that a mechanism of a theory is first "Believed," however, when its emplaced within the theory , its a fact.
LEMME put it into something you can relate to
You "believe" that the present dministration is trying to take your guns, you dont know that is fact nor do you understand how.
You KNOW that you own a gun (or two). I believe that you own a gun because I have no further evidence but your say so.