I think eternity does, whatever happens, awareness moves on, it is the state of environmental calm which gently hides the totality of all truths from people, though one must be free of certain factors present beyond the general state of normalcy which surrounds everyone usually, to grasp what they really preferred to avoid, despite its clear benefit to them with regards their questions.
At death as 'self' incinerated.
A dream state or not, you will have a dream eventually, unless entirely alone and solely reason of self, then you will generate a dream, though others will move you along, in their simple ways, thinking you are not aware before that. (which cannot often happen on earth) even after energy level dispersal, only 0.00000~% of 'you' will find that is the case and not for eternity... So at worst it is akin to having an exceptionally powerful thought which leaves you emptier than you were for the pure EM release at your brain extremus.
That calmer and less busy minds exist out there. Proves a small center of you can be redeployed, though the benefits of that are debatable, if one can will into being ones own self assertions.
Contrary to popular belief, God dislikes fear as much a scientific pondering.. which leaves only the bold, who grow absent of enemy and become equally as hated. So unfortunately, the way of it is often that dreamers, get attacked in huge numbers, hence we gave them the wickerman, please ignore our plight. Though bear in mind, they build boys who are really girls inside etc at our request for their 'pump fest' this is not a fairy tale.