Legal Scholar Is Considered for Court
WASHINGTON, Dec. 9 ? President Bush is considering naming Douglas W. Kmiec, the dean of
the law school at Catholic University and a prominent social conservative scholar, to the
federal appeals court based in Washington, administration officials said today.
Professor Kmiec has written about the need for judges to interpret the Constitution with
an eye to what theologians and scholars call "natural law." Adherents of natural law
describe it as a body of immutable truths based on religious or transcendent concepts of
right and wrong, something higher than man-made law.
The republicans hew and cry was that liberal Judges did not stay within the law as
written, and therefore legislating. Prof. Kmiec is advocating just that. And what to me
he would use religious concepts to legislate. Whose religious concepts I wonder?
this administration it would appear with it's religious initiatives and judicial
appointments such as this is intent on blurring the lines between church and state. Are
their not enough examples around the world to warn us of the danger of such actions?