@Joe Nation,
Quote:Dale, are you one of those people who want the store to test your batteries when you buy them?
Not AA cells from Home Depot necessarily but certainly button from Radio Shack where it might have languished fourteen years
Quote:Even though the battery says GOOD until MAR 2019?
Yes especially if there’s the remotest possibility that a used one had been slipped in
Quote:How about the four pack of 75w Soft Whites on sale for $1.88?
Do you want the store to screw each of them in before you go?
If they deteriorated on the shelf as batteries do, if I had had to drive 30 miles to find a retailer who stocked it, if I mistrusted the retailer, if it was the only pak in stock and the package appeared to have been violated, if given upcoming legislation that made them very difficult to find……….