Mon 16 Feb, 2004 07:43 am
I have a 19" LCD computer screen. I run my computer on 800X600, with a medium text size, although the computer is configured to adjust to higher resolutions. When I first got this computer, it was set at a much higher resolution, but I found it uncomfortable to read.
Lately, I have been encountering programs, like my photo program, and an online course that I am taking, which suggests that you run the computer at a higher than 800X600 setting, so that the different panes and panels don't overlap.
So I WILL make the adjustments when I run those particular programs, but for general use, I still am much more comfortable with 800X600.
At what setting do you generally run YOUR computer. For those who run at a higher setting than 800X600 what advantages do you find?
The main advantage is seeing more at once, which can be important when you have several programs open. I typically run at 1280 x 1024, but that depends on the size of monitor I'm using. Mine is 18 inches, I think.
1024x768 with a 19' LCD screen is very comfortable for me, with all programs.
1024x768 with a 15" CRT. Just got used to it. It annoys me with any less resolution.
Well, I have an appointment with the optometrist in a week. Since I had my eye operation, I know that my old glasses have are not optimal for me. My ophthalmologist wanted me to wait awhile, till my eye settled down, before I got new glasses. Maybe that'll make a difference. I have been experimenting with 1024X768, but I do find it a bit of a strain.
1024x768 with a 19'' screen, I find this setting the most comfortable.
800x600 with a 19"?! Perhaps you need new glasses.
I run 1280x1024 on a 19".
Jeez Louize! How do you people see stuff so tiny??? Getting more stuff on the screen isn't the problem, it's the teeny tiny images! F'rinstance, the Mah-jongg game I play, I like the image about seven inches square. The individual tiles are then about .75 x .5 inch each. At higher resolutions, the gameboard is maybe four inches square, with quarter-inch tiles I can hardly see...
Although I know a fella who uses the highest resolution, sits without glasses leaned back in his chair, and has no trouble reading ordinary type...
1280x1024 on a 17
But in word and excel I increase the sheet or document to like 150% view
1280x1024 here at work on a 20" monitor. At home, 1024x768 on a 17".
Like you Phoenix, I use 800X600, but my monitor is only 17". Programs and websites don't always fit (like A2K), but I keep a shortcut in the Icon tray and adjust it when I need to.
I admit that I have to lean forward in my seat to read 1280x1024 on a 19" but it is perfectly readable. But 800x600?! Even may old laptop with a 12" screen was set at 1024x768. But you sit a lot closer to a laptop.
I concur, I haven't used 800x600 since like, well, ever. It makes the screen look like a kids toy. Sorry if I've offended anyone.
None taken. But what's the point of a high resolution and running programs at 150% to see them?
800 x 600 on a 15" monitor.
I don't want to have to wear my glasses.
1024x768 and I don't exactly know what size my screen is. But I do know I can read it just fine. My text size is set to Medium. I have never tried another screen resolution. I tried messing around with my text size, and found medium the best. Myscreen is about two and a half feet in front of me so I don't want stuff too big. I think my screen is only a little over a foot maybe. It isn't very big.
1280x1024, medium text side on a 17 inch. I used to use 800X600, told myself I was just going to get used to 1280x1024 one day. I accidentally set it to 800X600 once and wondered to myself how I could ever stand such a big screen res.
I always set my screens to the highest possible setting so that I can fit more on my screen. 20/20 vision helps. At work I use a 17" monitor at 1280x1024. At home I have a 21" and I set it even higher. What ever the max is for my Geoforce 3 NVida display driver. I'm not sure at the moment.