Sat 14 Feb, 2004 04:00 pm
Are Agnostics Completely Useless?
Are you asking a question, making a statement or just voicing an opinion. Is this post completely useless?
To this specific forum, or life generally?
I don't see the justice in your poll. Agnostics are humans - slightly misguided, of course, but most humans are far from useless, regardless of their thoughts on God (god, Zeus, whatever).
LOL! Can you define your definition of useless for us?
Defender....oh....have I insulted you?
Are you going to take my comments in that other thread out on all the agnostics of the world?
No...agnostics are not completely useless.
Why on Earth would you even think that?
No one is useless. No person should be called that. Period.
I think this is funny! Why are youi all getting all ariegated? I love the last choice! In fact, I will use it.
Some atheists like me tend to think agnostics are a pretty harmless lot, but that theists can be "worse than useless" i.e. dangerous !
This question makes no sense...
Useless in general
Useless in life
Useless on A2K
Useless because they don't try to convince other people to join their pointless cause?
Re: Are Agnostics Completely Useless?
Defender wrote:Are Agnostics Completely Useless?
no....they're convertable....once converted they themselves will become converters...
Watch out for micah, he's spreading his cult gospel.
My sweetiepie refers to the remote control devices for the television and the satellite signal receiver as "converters." Is that what you meant, Micah? Are you Canajun?
I am such a sucker...
I went looking through my dictionary for Canajun...
Damn this slow mind.
Your candor is amazing, Ind, i would never have admitted to as much, although i am quite capable of such a lapsus . . .
no...i'm not canajun.....i'm californian....
And devoid of a sense of ironic humor . . .
He's devoutly religious, what did you expect?
Indi...too funny.
Jeepers, I think somebody got their toes stomped!