Have to agree with Montana on this one, both men and women on a2k are people I've come to care for very much. The Florida crowd because I got to meet them and to discover that they are even better in person. And the Albuquerque gathering, a lovely group of people, which is where I met Dys in person--a life changing experience. That said, this thread has made me even more appreciative of Occum Bill and Gus. You guys had me roaring with laughter.
Naturally, the one I fell for from the very beginning is Dys. Those blue eyes, those leggings, the hat, his cute, shy smile, those sweet cheeks

, and the cuddliness of all of him is oh, so good.
My romance doesn't have to have
A moon in the sky.
My romance doesn't need
A blue lagoon standing by
No month of May, no twinkling stars
No hide away, no soft guitars.
My romance doesn't need
A castle rising in Spain
Nor a dance to a constantly
Surprising refrain
Wide awake, I can make
My most fantastic dreams come true
My romance doesn't need a thing but you.
My romance doesn't need a thing but you.