I rarely write a check. I think I wrote two checks in the past year and that was to the IRS and one for my property taxes. I was going to pay my property taxes online but they wanted to charge me a fee so I said the heck with that!
Everything is paid via bill pay online.
Yes. I flatly reject "convenience charges" for online payment. Exactly who is it most convenient for?
Everybody gets paid through the internet. Electricity, mortgage, life insurance, credit cards, building fees, even the pizza guy is paid before he gets here (tips are cash~~ 1 buck for every five of the order)
It's a myth that credit cards cost a store more to take than cash.
Do the numbers.
Somebody has to count the cash.
Somebody has to take the cash to the bank.
Somebody has to bring change back from the bank.
(Some banks actually try to charge their business customers to do the deposit!)
Somebody has to balance the cash.
"Uh oh....we are eleven dollars short ~~~again"
Cashier can steal cash as easily as sneezing and they do both.
It's really hard for a cashier to steal from a credit card transaction, there's too much of a paper trail that easily leads back to them.
It's really easy to give back the wrong change in cash. Somebody gives you a ten and you give them change for twenty. (meh.)(Famous $11.00)
To balance credit cards at the end of a business day: Press HERE> done.
AND deposited.
Which costs more?
Checks??? HAH HA HA HA HAAH ....What is this, 1971?
Joe(Wait. I pay the bagel guy and the fruit vendor in cash)Nation