Ay Sontespli wrote:My boyz reckon any excuse to make bickies is alright by them!
My husband's grandfather fought in New Guinea ... _I_ feel we ought to honour him somehow ...
I am dragging my husband to the ANZAC fun run tomorrow and I will be at the ANZAC parade on Monday with my Brownie group.
The thumb will heal I reckon...I took a good slice off the top trying to chop frozen chocolate for Banana bread (cake) the other day

Not having much luck in the kitchen lately; I cut the same hand on a tin can last week! Though it has pretty much healed already! The naturopath's wonder drugs seem to be doing the trick!
Hey, I need to make it clear that I'm not denigrating Australian's war contributions. I'm just not an over-the-top patriot, is all.

I guess I just have an abhorrence to war.
You're Canadian, aren't you, Ay Sontespli? Will there be a Canadian presence at your state's ANZAC celebrations on Monday?
My best advice to you, my dear, is to stay out of the kitchen till that thumb heals!

Let the rest of the family do all that cooking/cleaning stuff! :wink: