Psssst, socks: Can we give it back? I mean, it WAS yours before ours & everything ..... Um, what if we pay you to take it back?
Nice to see you again, odd one!
Seeing my estranged family after 3 years. Everyone played nice and conveniently forgot how tense we all were the last time we were all in the same room...well except for one brother. He is best friends with my ex husband so I doubt that things will change where he is concerned

Such is life...good thing he lives in Canada and I live in Australia and I won't have to run into him again anytime soon
Yet another good reason to stay in Oz!
You women aren't the only ones mechanics try to take advantage of.
My car has been running like ass over the last few days. Today, instead of bringing it to my usual shop, I brought it to a garage around the corner, for the simple fact it's running so bad I didn't want to drive it much further(and I had no ride to pick me up).
They call me back with an absolute stupid estimate($800 for a tune-up + 2 O2 sensors), plus they tried to "sell" me work it doesn't really need("you should replace all 4 sensors"), so I called my other guy to check the price. Called the mechanic back where my car is, and they're matching the price for the work it really needs...which is a tune-up. Take care of the sensors later.
Nice guys, but bastards.
Waking up...feeling like I was on a ship spinning out of control...only to be on my bed...and feeling this way because of extra dirrty martinis.
Yeah, but you were verra funny last night Hotsauce!
I gritted my way through a sock knitting class tonight. I really suck at knitting, but I'm sticking with it.
I've had a stress-free day today, so not gritting of teeth. Besides, got our taxes done this weekend.
More of a deep sigh and not so much grit or grimace. Talked to older daughter and the grandsons today and counted off on my fingers...3 months until younger daughter's wedding in June

I missed her graduation and now I am going to miss her wedding too.
I will miss daughter's wedding coz she lives in Canada and I now live in Australia and we just have not got the funds together just yet.
It has been a difficult few years and we are just trying to get back on our feet. I sustained a back injury in 2002 and have not been able to work since....of course no worker's comp

That would be too fair!
littlek wrote:Yeah, but you were verra funny last night Hotsauce!
I gritted my way through a sock knitting class tonight. I really suck at knitting, but I'm sticking with it.
awwww...That is awfully nice of you to say...wasn't at all sure how I looked the other night.
You were funny hotsauce...don't worry about it
smorgs wrote:You were funny hotsauce...don't worry about it
wow...wasn't expecting that from you at all smorgs...I think I was an ass...but I've apologized a lot...just be thankful you weren't here with me in person.
Just about everything.
My daughter missed the bus so I had to drive her to school.
My other daughter informed me the freezer in the basement was left open all night and everything in it is slush.
I went grocery shopping and forgot to buy the things I went there for to begin with but ended up spending over $100 anyway.
I brought some things to the basement for storage and heard drip, drip, drip over in the far corner. Inspection showed the check valve of our new sump pump is dripping constantly and spraying everywhere when the sump pump cycles. The plumber can't make it 'til tomorrow and of course, it's warmer today and the snow is melting like crazy so the sump pump cycles every half hour or so.
My corporate taxes are due today and I can't find my accountant.
I came into my office to get some work done and my login at one of my corporate clients has expired so I can't get on their system. They'll call me back when they get to it......
I logged on to A2K and have had a hard time staying civil on some of my posts. I'm trying, but if I bite anyone's head off it's nothing personal - well, maybe one exception.
It's almost noon and I've gotten nothing done and I'm just about ready to say, 'screw it' and go take a nap!
Nasty day J_B; I say go for the nap!
Even if it is only a power nap of 15 - 20 minutes and then you will be all revved up to face all of your taskes with new vitality

Oh, it is hump day! And you are halfway through hump day whereas I am only just starting mine
I had the most awful day today. It started when my Mother in Law pulled the door chime.
I knew it was her immediately, as the mice were all throwing themselves onto the traps.
One hundred and four years old, arms like a Docker and wears an expression like a Bulldog chewing a wasp.
In actual fact, she had a Peeping Tom knock on her door once, to ask her to close her curtains.
I bought her a chair for Christmas, but she refuses to plug it in.
I would imagine that the ultimate feeling of mixed emotions would be to see her drive over a cliff in my brand new Bentley.
Mind you, I havent spoken to the old girl for fifteen years as I didnt want to interrupt.
She once said to me "Ellpus, If you hate me so much, why do you keep a picture of me on the Mantelpiece?"
I told her that it was to keep the children away from the fire.
I've come to the club for some refuge.
Lord Ellpus.
A poorly digested peanut.
Actually, I have been grimacing since I arrived into London yesterday.
Typical story, plane arrived 45 mins early, no landing slot so go into a holding pattern. Ofocurse, at this time the seal belt sign is on so u can lie down, or even go to the loo. Finally land, only to find the allocated gate blocked by another aircraft which has been delayed. So more waiting. Come out of the aircraft and take a mile long trek to immigrations, only to find that there is only *one* staff at the "UK passport holders" counter, and the queue is a mile long. Frustruating to see that foreign nationals are clearing immigrations much more quickly.
Arrive at the baggage belt, and the luggage marked as "priority" is the last to come. After all, the twats travelling upperclass should be made to suffer once they arrive into London. After all, with a mayor leaning so far left that his head and butt are in different timezones, it is almost communism in London (another brainwave from our esteemed mayor which I read on the plane - he plans to "tame" the car owners in London by upping the congestion charge to 8 quid, and widening sidewalks and narrowing the roads <SHOCK>)
Anyways, come out after much cursing - get hold of my driver, who has promptly forgotten where he parked. So spend 20 mins fuming while he goes arnd the Heathrow parking lot to find his car. Get in, he obviously does not know the way back (he must have been new) and has this irritating GPS system which a stupid voice, which tells him how to get to my home, and then proceeds to guide him through the longest route possible!!! So I tell him to swtich the bloody thing off and proceed to tell him the way to my home Ofocurse, it is London traffic (read Mr Mayors plans for cars above) so it takes me almost 2 hrs to get home.
I arrived ontop of London at 1245 and reached home at 1700. This was more tiring than the 11 hr flight from Vancouver !!
And then today morning, leaving for work, find out that more roads have been dug up (They are widening the sdewalks arnd where I live, thanks Mr Mayor) and it took me 1hr 15 mins to go a distance of 2 miles to the station !!
Why did I even leave Canada ?
Why did you leave Canada? We have Gordon Campbell. The RAV line. No bike lanes. Crap road system. Bridges that double as parking lots. Urban sprawl.
Just trying to help you get things into perspective. By the way, don't tell BC govt about the city congestion toll or it will be adopted by Vancouver faster than you can shake a stick.