It took all my composure not to bitch slap this stupid cow.
I'm working at a model home today, waaaaay out in Manor (pronounced MAY-nor) and all day long the people I've talked to will ask a question, then repeat the exact same question in the exact same way 4 or more times in a row. It's probably a prereq. for living in MAY-nor.
This one call was from an excitable agent, who insisted on asking me over an over a question for which I had no information. I ended up tell her, as politely as possible, that if I did have the answer I would have, or would be giving it to her.
Hours later, the phone rings, and she informs me that "I'm about 1 minute away with a client. I want to show him the XYZ house."
She comes in, preceeded by 5 gallons of perfume, and I give the ONLY set of keys I had, and I had already looked around that morning to see if any other types of keys around. I let her know I didn't know if these were for that house, but go ahead.
10 minutes later, she calls saying "hey, you know what? None of these keys WORK!"
Then she asks me 3 times if I had any other Then she said "Well! I drove ALL the way out here from SOUTH Austin (A trip I didn't envy) with my client, and now...I can't get in the house!" then "Do you have another set of keys?"
She went on for a while, until I said "M'am, you called me a minute away from the house. If you'd called me while still south, I would have told you I didn't know if I had the right keys".....yeah, as if this would have made any difference in her schlepping this guy out to MAY-nor.
Sez to me, she sez "I don't want to go there....." Gee, I wonder why not? It's horrible when confronted with logic and common sense, isn't it"
She started pissing and moaning about something else, and finally I cut her off saying "What is it exactly you want me to do?"
This stopped her a moment and she said "I don't know"
I said "If you don't know what you like me to do, and I told you I didn't know X, Y and Z several times....What is it you Want?"
She showed back up a few minutes ago to give me the keys back, and writes this big note to the real estate guy saying "I will come back Monday at noon blah blah blah......"
Yeah, don't call first or anything to make sure he's here, just come by.