Okay Montana. here we go...
A little backstory:
My business partner and our team is working on a project for our usual client but, for the first time, she is acting as a writer only and not as the marketing consultant, as she usually does. I asked in the very beginning if she would have an issue working for another consultant and she assured me that she wouldn't. But I knew better.
She called this morning perturbed because copy she's written has been rejected by the consultant. Her copy is much more exciting and dramatic than the consultant's suggestions, no doubt about that. I always say that she's a pain in the ass but she's the best at what she does.
What she has asked me to do is work up the cover of our proposed brochure, using her headlines, to present. Now, if she wanted only to present to the consultant, that would be one thing but she intends to email it not only to the consultant but the VP of marketing AND the president and owner of the company as well. And that's the rub for me.
Doesn't it sound like she's backdooring the consultant? Or kicking her legs out from under her? If the VP and Prez prefer her copy over the consultants', which she is banking on, wouldn't the consultant have every right to be plenty pissed off, not so much about the copy but how my partner went about presenting it? To me, it's just underhanded. And now I'm in it. I told her I would work up a cover only if everyone understood that it was a work-in-progress.
All I know is, if the shoe was on the other foot and someone pulled something like this on her, someone supposedly working for her, she'd be screaming about that from now until Christmas.
or should i get off of my high horse?