littlek wrote:How about in the classroom?
You're asking me if I swear in the classroom or if I try to work in a way that's true to my beliefs?
Well, of course I don't swear in there! But you know that. And why.
I try to be as true to my beliefs as is possible, sometimes in rather constrained circumstances. It's easier to do this because I (long ago) eliminated possible employment options that I have absolutely no personal & political empathy for. I'm a
public girl, through & through!
Go state schools!!!!:D
I try & be as direct as possible (as constructively as possible) with students I teach. Within the obvious constraints. My theory (not really a theory, gut knowledge) is that students want to be acknowledged as real, individual people & want to be treated as such. But my students are adolescents. I have no idea of how I'd work with elementary school students because I've hardly ever done it.
Anyway, being a teacher is walking a fine line, isn't it, k? Between the professional & the personal. I try to be as real a person as I can within the constraints. But that's not quite the whole person I am in "real life". I do believe students are very smart, though ... they can figure out pretty much who you are, no matter how much you've modified your behavior to fit the situation! And why wouldn't they? They have to focus on you a lot!