Grimaced and gritted today when the power went out. This has happened four times in NYC (that I recall) in my lifetime. Always scares me--trapped. No water (I filled buckets and the tub). No air movement. No nuttin'. This time it didn't last long. Big sigh. I had a chance to inventory my no-power supplies. Need more candles and more D batteries.
My computer was on when the lights went out . It seems to be unaffected. Another big sigh.
Sigh for Roberta...
So, a couple of months ago I got a check for a bit of money from my old health insurance company, as I was one of 66000 beneficiaries of a class action suit. On purpose I didn't put it in my bank account right away, a matter I have no interest in explaining here, but with reason.
I lost the damned thing. Either it got thrown out with the trash in my kitchen, which is where I carefully look for serious stuff within my junk mail - admittedly unlikely - or it got thrown out the day I spilt milk, literally, on my computer desk - much more likely.
Anyway, my efforts to get a new check have taken grit.
My old insurance company (I have medicare, such as it is, now) advised me to see the legal office taking care of it. I liked that legal office; the first message had wit, which, y'know, threw me, and endeared them for me, but then they didn't call me back. So today I gripped the reins and called the lawyer again, eventually talking to the wit with the message, and, after apologizing (he actually recognized me and my situation specifically), searched some more and figured it must be another case. Yep, it was. Thus notified, and with that info in my file (glad I was organized enough to have a original notification of class action file if not the check and the letter accompanying it) I broached the insurance company again.
Hours of borderline useless phoning went by.... my voice getting more strident. I finally got ahold of the firm that put out the checks.
All they need is my signature, and I know how to get that there.
Big whooo.
Stray Cat wrote:There's only one thing he forgot to pack. Me!
Aw, you should've gone along for the trip, too, Stray Cat! Is his trip for business or pleasure? Which part of Oz?
It's a pleasure trip, msolga. He'll be in Sydney, Adelaide, Melbourne, Kangaroo Island -- he's also doing a tour of the Outback.
Yeah, I wish I could've gone too!
Stray Cat wrote:It's a pleasure trip, msolga. He'll be in Sydney, Adelaide, Melbourne, Kangaroo Island -- he's also doing a tour of the Outback.
Yeah, I wish I could've gone too!
If it makes you feel any better, Stray Cat, the east coast of Oz is absolutely freezing right now! Torrential rains, floods .... :wink:
Got all the way home from taking my daughter to school only to realise that she had left her coat in the car. It's pissing down with rain here (as per bloody usual) so I had to drive all the way back and put it on her peg.
One of those days, Dorothy ....
I hope it wasn't miles & miles!
No it's not that far and the upside is that i got to spy on her in the classroom for a couple of minutes which was very cute.
That's nice. A spying, doting mum!
Quote:Torrential rains, floods
Uh-oh! Maybe it's a good thing I'm not there!
Stray Cat wrote:Quote:Torrential rains, floods
Uh-oh! Maybe it's a good thing I'm not there!

Expect a soggy post card soon, Stray Cat.
Setanta and I are going to a wedding tonight.
The invitation says "black tie optional". Easy enough to figure out for Setanta - either a tuxedo or a dark suit. Oprah offers this for women "Translation: Dignified glamour. But a full-fledged to-the-floor, walk-the-red-carpet gown isn't de rigueur; and subtly witty touches keep stodginess at bay."
Subtle witty touches. I just want to wear a comfortable cocktail dress, with pearls on the side. Now I find out I'm supposed to be witty as well.
That's all you need. Your pearls are the "witty touches" that Oprah speaks of, I'm sure.
Forget the "witty touches". One should never outshine the bride.
Without $20,000 to spend on a dress, everyone else will just be distant glimmer in the same county.
Pearls it'll be. Maybe I'll do fancy toenail polish as my "witty touch".
Your hair may be enough already. It's not staid hair.
I 'fixed' the hair last night - put a dark blonde rinse on. Spent some time with the flat iron this morning. The hair will be respectable :wink:
mid-green/floral cocktail length, chiffon/floaty dress - one wide shoulder strap - the other shoulder has skinny ties that turn into a floppy bow
neutralish wedge heels
neutral finger nails
I'm thinking mirror-finish amethyst toenails (I'll know they're down there being witty :wink: )
It sounds lovely. Can Set take a picture? Or maybe someone can take a picture of you both.