Wed 25 Apr, 2012 09:50 pm
Mother of my 11 month old son was arrested, and may face quite a bit of time in jail. I was there when my son was born and for the first 5 months of his life in WY. Unfortunately things didn't work out between myself and the mother, and I now live in CA. What is the first step in getting custody of my son? He is currently with his grandparents.
You have to contact social services in the town your son and his mother reside
and they will advice you as to how to proceed. The sooner you contact them, the better. Good luck!
Calamity Jane is correct. But Iwould also suggest you get some legal help on this. There are lawyers who specialize in child custody cases. One of them could probably give you valuable advice on how best to proceed.
Yeah I would talk to a lawyer first and foremost.
The BABY has been placed with nearest relative - the grandparents - whom the BABY probably already knows.
You are in another state. Why do you think taking the BABY away from familiar surroundings is the best thing?
You are going to have to prove that your home and your relationship is better than where the BABY is now.
(CAPS are my emphasis. - this is a BABY you are talking about. )
I agree with you 100% Punkey, and yes I am looking out for my son's best interest. He has been seriously injured in the care of his grandparents before. It was arguably an accident, but in my opinion could of definitely been avoided. Also I believe it is better for this to happen sooner then later. Why would I leave my kid in the same place so the mom can get out of jail and do it all over again.